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Become A Blogger Premium
How To Record Your First Audio For Your Blog
Welcome to another video in the Become A Blogger Premium video series on Audio
creation for your blog.
I'm your host Gideon Shalwick, and inside today's video, I'd like to show you how to record
your very first audio recording for your blog.
The things I'll cover today, include:
1. All the equipment you'll need for creating your first audio...
2. How to install the recording and editing software onto your computer...
3. How to record and edit your first audio recording...
4. And how to export your first audio recording to the right file format for the internet...
By the end if this video, you'll have enough information, to help you create very
professional sounding audio recordings, and inside a later video, I'll show you how to get
these recording streaming straight from your blog.
Without further ado, let's get straight into the first point...
1. All the equipment you'll need for creating your first audio...
Recording great sounding audio on your computer is actually a lot easier than you might
think at first. You really only need...
A computer...
Now most computers nowadays will have good enough specifications to be able to record
and edit audio. But of course, the better your specifications are, the faster you'll be able to
render and save audio files on your computer.
You'll also need to make sure you have enough space left on your computer to save all the
audio files. Since audio files contain much more information than just simple text files, they
can become a lot bigger.
And if you dont want to clog up your computer with all your audio files, I suggest you get
an external hard drive, and save all your audio projects and files onto there once you've
finished using them.
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Become A Blogger Premium
Ok, so if you have a computer that is no older than 3 years old, you should be able to
record and edit audio without any problems at all. Of course, older computers will still do
the job as well, except that they'll be a little slower.
Next, you'll also need a good microphone...
Here's the bottom line...
The better your microphone is, the more professional your audio will come across when
you do your recordings.
It's as simple as that!
I use a fairly expensive microphone - it costs around $300 - but if you're just starting out, it
may be a good idea to simply start with an inexpensive microphone and to see whether
you like going through the process of creating your own audio. Then, as you get better,
you can upgrade to a higher quality microphone.
Here are three examples of microphones that you can use:
For a nice entry level microphone, you can use the Genius USB microphone...
For more advanced and professional sound quality, the Snowball microphone works really
well. Yaro Starak now uses this same microphone for all his latest podcasts.
And for a more top of the line broadcast quality recording microphone, I recommend the
Rode Podcaster - which is the same one that I use for all my recordings.
But as I said before, if you're new to all this, perhaps start with something like the Genius
USB microphone, and then, as you gain confidence, upgrade to a better microphone.
And finally, you'll need the right kind of recording software...
There are a range of software programs you can use to record and edit your audio with.
Some of them costs money, and some you can get for free.
So far, I've only used free audio editing programs, and have not seen the need to
purchase expensive software just yet.
So, the free piece of software that I'll recommend to you, is called Audacity.
You can download it for free, and it has absolutely all the features you need for creating
very professional, broadcast quality audio for your blog.
I've actually been amazed at the fact that the Audacity software is actually free, because
it's so good, and it's also relatively easy to use.
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Become A Blogger Premium
Right, so that's pretty much all you'll need for creating very professional audio on your
Let,s now move onto...
2. How to install the Audacity software onto your computer.
To find the Audacity software, simply do a Google search for "Audacity", or click on the link
provided in the resource area right below this video.
This will take you to the Audacity page where you can download the software.
There are versions for both PC and Mac, which makes this software even better in my
Depending on your operating system, the Audacity page will automatically create the right
download link for you're operating system.
So simply go ahead and click on the download link...
Which will take you to the page with the actual download link to the software.
If you're on a mac, you will get slightly different options here, but just make sure you read
the instructions on this page carefully.
Next, click on the "Audacity installer" link...
And then the file should start downloading automatically to your computer.
In some cases, you may need to bypass the security measures created by Microsoft to be
able to download the file.
In my case, I have to click on the yellow bar at the top here to be able to download the file.
This may be slightly different for you, depending on which operating system and internet
browser you are using.
Then, just go ahead and download the file.
Once the file has downloaded, go back to the same page where you clicked on the
"Audacity installer" link...
And download the "LAME MP3 Encoder" file as well. You will need this later on...
You may need to jump through few hoops here to get to the actual download link for this
file, but just follow the instructions until you get to a page looking something like this...
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Become A Blogger Premium
And then download the appropriate zip file to your computer where you can find it easily
again. In my case, I'll just save it to my desktop.
Next, go to the place where you downloaded the audacity installation file, and double click
on it to initiate the installation process...
Then, just go through all the steps...
And then run the program once it's installed...
And that's it for installing the Audacity software onto your computer...
Next, I'll show you...
3. How to record and edit your first audio recording...
To get started, make sure you've opened the Audacity program, and that your microphone
is plugged in and working.
Before recording anything though, make sure that your project rate is set to 44100 herz.
This will become important later on when we export your final production.
To test your microphone, click on the record button...
And start talking...
Lightly tap the microphone that you're using, to make sure that Audacity is actually
recording through this microphone...
This should leave some spikes in the audio wave form, giving you evidence that your
microphone is definitely working.
If it appears that your microphone is not working, double check that it's plugged in
correctly, and turned on if it has a switch.
And also check under Edit...
Audio OI...
Under recording...
That the right microphone is selected...
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Become A Blogger Premium
Once you are certain that your microphone is working, you are basically ready to start
recording your first audio production...
To start recording, simply click on the record button...
Then talk or read out your presentation or whatever you have prepared...
Don't worry about mistakes, because you can easily edit them out afterwards again...
Once you're done, click on the stop button...
And then save your recording as a new project...
And that's it for the recording part.
Next, you'll need to do some editing to remove any mistakes, or any bits that you do not
want in the final recording...
To do this, make sure you've selected the selection tool...
And then simply click and drag on the wave form track to select any bits of audio that you
want to get rid of...
Then, to get rid of your selection, simply press the delete key on your keyboard...
This will instantly delete whatever selection you had.
If you accidentally delete a section that you wanted to keep, simply go to "Edit"...
and then select "Undo"...
Remember to save your project file regularly during your editing process. There's nothing
worse than losing all your hard work if the program happens to crash.
There are a number of other editing tools you can use as well, but I'll leave you to explore
all those for yourself. What I've just shown you, is all you need for creating a simple audio
Next, I'll show you how to add introduction and exit music for your recordings...
First, you'll need some kind of music that you can use as introduction and exit music clips.
I normally get all my music from , a royalty free music site.
But you may source your music from anywhere you like, as long as you're not infringing
any copyright laws.
Once you've selected what music you'd like to use, click on Project...
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