Inflammation Protocols [Methods in Molec Bio 225] - P. Winyard, D. Willoughby (Humana, 2003) WW.pdf

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Methods in Molecular Biology TM
Edited by
Paul G. Winyard
Derek A. Willoughby
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Key Stages in the Acute Inflammatory Response
Key Stages in the Acute Inflammatory Response
and Their Relevance as Therapeutic Targets
Introduction to Part 1
Paul G. Winyard
1. Introduction
Inflammation, in its broadest sense, is a host response to tissue injury. The
four ancient, cardinal, signs of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and
pain. These clinical signs of inflammation are, of course, the macroscopic cul-
mination of molecular and cellular processes, many of which have become
well defined over the last 120 years, and many of which may be reproduced in
convenient experimental systems in vitro. In collecting the chapters for this
section of the book, our aim is to provide a repository for experimental proto-
cols for the in vitro study of key stages of the inflammatory response. For the
reader who is unfamiliar with the field of inflammation, it is perhaps helpful to
summarize and contextualize some of the key events of the inflammatory res-
ponse, as it is these that may be reproduced in the form of in vitro model sys-
tems by using the protocols that follow.
Within the vast array of interdigitating and iterative molecular and cellular
pathways that constitute inflammation, there are certain linear pathways that have
recently received great attention as, perhaps, the “main highways” of the inflam-
matory response. By way of indicating the significance of some of the experi-
mental protocols in this section, it is convenient to refer to one of these pathways
( see Fig. 1 ), which begins (at least for the purposes of this discussion) with the
stimulation of vascular endothelial cells by key “pro-inflammatory” cytokines
such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). The
importance of this pathway described later is validated, at least in part, by the
promise of the therapeutic targets that have been defined at the different stages
along its route, although there are numerous bifurcations away from this path
From: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 225: Inflammation Protocols
Edited by: P. G. Winyard and D. A. Willoughby © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Fig. 1. Grossly simplified schematic diagram representing some of the key events
of the inflammatory response. The letters correspond to some of the processes that can
be investigated using protocols described within this first section of the book (or, if in
brackets, elsewhere in this book). A, intracellular kinase activation by cytokines; B,
activation of NF-κB; C, adhesion molecule expression; D, migration (of specific leu-
kocyte subsets); E, stimulation of inflammatory phagocytes, including changes in
cytosolic Ca 2+ and plasma membrane NADPH oxidase; F, opsonisation involving
activation of the complement cascade; G, release and activation of MMPs within the
extracellular matrix; H, breakdown of the extracellular matrix by proteinases—e.g.,
degradation of cartilage by a MMPs and aggrecanase.
that are not discussed here. In many cases, the individual protocols described
in this section will allow the in vitro screening of candidate therapeutic com-
Returning to a description of our illustrative “main highway” of inflamma-
tion, the binding of pro-inflammatory cytokines to their cognate plasma mem-
brane receptors results in the activation of intracellular kinases that catalyze a
cascade of phosphorylation events, including the phosphorylation (catalyzed
by the IKK complex) of IκB, an inhibitory protein subunit bound to the tran-
scription factor NF-κB. The control of gene transcription by specific proteins—
Key Stages in the Acute Inflammatory Response
transcription factors—involves the binding of these proteins to short DNA
sequence elements located adjacent to the promotor or in the enhancer regions
of genes. The phosphorylation of IκB targets it for proteolytic degradation by
the 26S proteasome, leaving the active NF-κB complex to be translocated to
the nucleus, where it binds to a specific DNA motif and is thereby involved,
together with other transcription factors, in controlling the transcription of an
array of inflammation-associated genes. Indeed, a key feature of inflammatory
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the increased expression of cer-
tain genes that encode “inflammatory” proteins. These include a variety of
adhesion molecules, as well as TNFα, IL-1β, and inducible nitric oxide syn-
thase (iNOS) among many others.
Dr. Mireille Delhase describes methods for measuring cytokine-induced
IKK activity and NF-κB activation in cultured cells. By stably transfecting
cells with a construct containing the NF-κB-binding motif upstream of the
luciferase gene, a convenient system for screening potential inhibitors of NF-
κB may be created, as described by Dr. Deborah Phippard and Dr. Tony Man-
ning. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the idea that transcription
factors may be useful targets for novel therapeutic strategies in the treatment of
human diseases, including inflammatory diseases.
As aforementioned, induction of the expression of several adhesion mol-
ecules, such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and E-selectin
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), represents a significant inflam-
matory event and a potential therapeutic target. The increased transcription of
these proteins ultimately results in their upregulation on the plasma membrane
surface of endothelial cells, and the levels of adhesion molecules may be mea-
sured using the techniques described by Dr. Susan Cuvelier and Dr. Kamala
Patel. The increased expression of adhesion molecules, in turn, facilitates the
“rolling” and adhesion to the vascular endothelium of inflammatory phago-
cytic cells at vessel sites adjacent to the site of inflammation. The phagocytic
cells, such as neutrophils, then migrate through the vessel wall, via the process
of diapedesis, and arrive at the focus of “acute” inflammation. The reader is
referred to the second section of this book for a description of an in vivo tech-
nique for the study of this process, as provided by Professor Mauro Perretti and
Dr. Stephen Getting. Later, in the “chronic” phase of inflammation, other cell
types (e.g., macrophages and lymphocytes) will be recruited to the site of inflam-
mation by an analogous process. As part of the classic, acute inflammatory
response, neutrophils are activated by immune complexes, the complement
system and/or pathogens to produce both free radicals (such as superoxide)
and proteinases (such as elastase and cathepsin G) which act in concert to kill
invading fungi or bacteria, but which may also cause tissue damage. This stimu-
lation of neutrophils can be reproduced in vitro using isolated cells and the
extent of the response in the presence of putative antiinflammatory compounds
may be tested using the methods described by Dr. Maurice Hallett et al. This
group also describes specific methods for the measurement of neutrophil intra-
cellular Ca 2+ fluxes and O 2 •– production by a plasma membrane NADPH oxi-
dase. The killing of bacteria by neutrophils involves their opsonization by plasma
proteins, including various components of the complement cascade. Furthermore,
certain components of the complement cascade are chemotactic for neutrophils.
A protocol by which the extent of complement activation may be determined is
described by Professor Tom Eirik Mollnes.
Phagocytic cells, and sometimes resident cells at the site of inflammation,
are also stimulated by cytokines such as TNF and IL-1 to release matrix
metalloproteinases (MMPs). In respect of the inflamed joint, the resident cells
of the synovial membrane—the so-called type B synoviocytes—are activated
by cytokines to release MMPs. The MMPs involved in inflammatory tissue
destruction include collagenases, gelatinases, and stromelysins. The activities
of these proteinases may be determined, again in an in vitro system, according
to the zymographic technique detailed by Dr. Linda Troeberg and Professor
Hideaki Nagase. Among the expressed metalloproteinases is aggrecanase,
which plays an important role in the degradation of cartilage within the rheu-
matoid joint. Professor Bruce Caterson et al. describe a protocol for the mea-
surement of aggrecanase activity, whereas Dr. Bill Shingleton describes an in
vitro model of articular cartilage degradation.
In finishing this introduction to in vitro protocols for the study of inflamma-
tion it should be stressed again that, for the sake of simplicity, the description
above refers to one of many pathways of acute inflammation. Many of the exper-
imental systems described in this section of the book are relevant to more than
one stage or type of inflammation, e.g., acute versus chronic, immune vs
nonimmune, and so on. Although, for convenience, the inflammation protocols
in this book have been divided between in vitro and in vivo methods, it is vital
to have both. It is, of course, impossible to reproduce inflammation in vitro. In
vivo, the environment at the site of inflammation changes millisecond by milli-
second—this can never be reproduced in a test tube. However, the complemen-
tary use of both in vitro and in vivo techniques is a powerful strategy in the
study of inflammation and antiinflammatory drug development: For example,
the cytokines can be identified in vivo, whereas the signal transduction path-
ways leading to the production of such cytokines can be characterized in vitro.
The combination of the outputs from these two approaches may then allow the
demonstration of the importance of a particular pathway by the in vivo testing
of selective inhibitors.
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