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Alterations in Hemostasis
and Blood Coagulation
Mechanisms of Hemostasis
Vessel Spasm
Formation of the Platelet Plug
Blood Coagulation
Clot Retraction
Clot Dissolution
Hypercoagulability States
Increased Platelet Function
Increased Clotting Activity
Bleeding Disorders
Platelet Defects
Impaired Platelet Function
Coagulation Defects
Impaired Synthesis of Coagulation Factors
Hemophilia A
Von Willebrand Disease
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Vascular Disorders
Hemostasis is divided into five stages: vessel spasm, forma-
tion of the platelet plug, blood coagulation or development
of an insoluble fibrin clot, clot retraction, and clot dissolution
(Fig. 12-1).
Vessel Spasm
Vessel spasm is initiated by endothelial injury and caused by
local and humoral mechanisms. A spasm constricts the vessel
and reduces blood flow. It is a transient event that usually lasts
less than 1 minute. Thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2 ), a prostaglandin
released from the platelets, contributes to the vasoconstric-
tion. A second prostaglandin, prostacyclin, released from the
vessel endothelium, produces vasodilation and inhibits plate-
let aggregation.
Formation of the Platelet Plug
The platelet plug, the second line of defense, is initiated as
platelets come in contact with the vessel wall. Small breaks in
the vessel wall are often sealed with a platelet plug and do not
require the development of a blood clot.
Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are large fragments from
the cytoplasm of bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes. They
are enclosed in a membrane but have no nucleus and cannot
reproduce. Their cytoplasmic granules release mediators for he-
mostasis. Although they lack a nucleus, they have many of the
characteristics of a whole cell. They have mitochondria and en-
zyme systems for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and
adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and they have the enzymes
needed for synthesis of prostaglandins, which are required for
their function in hemostasis. Platelets also produce a growth
factor that causes vascular endothelial cells, smooth muscle
cells, and fibroblasts to proliferate and grow.
The life span of a platelet is only 8 to 9 days. A protein called
thrombopoietin causes proliferation and maturation of mega-
karyocytes. 1 The sources of thrombopoietin include the liver,
kidney, smooth muscle, and bone marrow, which controls
platelet production. Its production and release are regulated by
the number of platelets in the circulation. The newly formed
The normal process of hemostasis is regulated by a com-
plex array of activators and inhibitors that maintain
blood fluidity and prevent blood from leaving the vascular
compartment. Hemostasis is normal when it seals a blood ves-
sel to prevent blood loss and hemorrhage. It is abnormal when
it causes inappropriate blood clotting or when clotting is in-
sufficient to stop the flow of blood from the vascular compart-
ment. Disorders of hemostasis fall into two main categories:
the inappropriate formation of clots within the vascular system
( i.e., thrombosis) and the failure of blood to clot in response
to an appropriate stimulus ( i.e., bleeding).
T he term hemostasis refers to the stoppage of blood flow.
Unit Three: Alterations in the Hematologic System
Vessel spasm
of acute coronary myocardial infarction (see Chapter 17). In
addition, the platelet membrane contains large amounts of
phospholipids that play a role in activating several points in the
blood-clotting process.
Platelet plug formation involves adhesion and aggregation
of platelets. Platelet adhesion also requires a protein molecule
called von Willebrand factor (vWF). vWF, which is produced by
the endothelial cells of blood vessels, performs two important
functions: it aids in platelet adhesion, and it circulates in the
blood as a carrier protein for coagulation factor VIII.
Platelets are attracted to a damaged vessel wall, become
activated, and change from smooth disks to spiny spheres,
exposing receptors on their surfaces. Adhesion to the vessel
subendothelial layer occurs when the platelet receptor binds
to vWF at the injury site, linking the platelet to exposed colla-
gen fibers (Fig. 12-2A). The process of adhesion is controlled
by local hormones and substances released by platelet gran-
ules. As the platelets adhere to the collagen fibers on the dam-
aged vessel wall, they begin to release large amounts of ADP
and TXA 2 . Platelet aggregation and formation of a loosely or-
ganized platelet plug occur as the ADP and TXA 2 cause nearby
platelets to become sticky and adhere to the original platelets.
Stabilization of the platelet plug occurs as the coagulation
Formation of platelet plug,
platelet adhesion, and
Formation of the insoluble
fibrin clot
Activation of the intrinsic
or extrinsic coagulation pathway
Clot retraction
von Willebrand
factor (vWf)
Clot dissolution
FIGURE 12-1 Steps in hemostasis.
Thromboxane A 2
vWf/ fVIII
platelets that are released from the bone marrow spend as long
as 8 hours in the spleen before they are released into the blood.
The cell membrane of the platelet is important to its func-
tion. The outside of the platelet membrane is coated with
glycoproteins that repulse adherence to the normal vessel en-
dothelium, while causing adherence to injured areas of the ves-
sel wall, particularly the subendothelial layer. 2 The platelet
membrane also has glycoprotein receptors that bind fibrinogen
and link platelets together. Glycoprotein receptor antagonists
have been developed and are selectively used in the treatment
X a
X Xa
Tissue factors
Hemostasis is the orderly, stepwise process for stop-
ping bleeding that involves vasospasm, formation of
a platelet plug, and the development of a fibrin clot.
FIGURE 12-2 ( A ) The platelet plug occurs seconds after vessel
injury. Von Willebrand’s factor, released from the endothelial
cells, binds to platelet receptors, causing adhesion of platelets to
the exposed collagen. Platelet aggregation is induced by release of
thromboxane A 2 and adenosine diphosphate. ( B ) Coagulation
factors, activated on the platelet surface, lead to the formation of
thrombin and fibrin, which stabilize the platelet plug. ( C ) Control
of the coagulation process and clot dissolution are governed by
thrombin and plasminogen activators. Thrombin activates pro-
tein C, which stimulates the release of plasminogen activators. The
plasminogen activators in turn promote the formation of plasmin,
which digests the fibrin strands.
The blood clotting process requires the presence
of platelets produced in the bone marrow, von
Willebrand factor generated by the vessel endothe-
lium, and clotting factors synthesized in the liver,
using vitamin K.
The final step of the process involves fibrinolysis or
clot dissolution, which prevents excess clot
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Chapter 12: Alterations in Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation
pathway is activated on the platelet surface and fibrinogen is
converted to fibrin, thereby creating a fibrin meshwork that
cements together the platelets and other blood components
(see Fig. 12-2B).
Defective platelet plug formation causes bleeding in persons
who are deficient in platelet receptor sites or vWF. In addition
to sealing vascular breaks, platelets play an almost continuous
role in maintaining normal vascular integrity. They may supply
growth factors for the endothelial cells and arterial smooth
muscle cells. Persons with platelet deficiency have increased
capillary permeability and sustain small skin hemorrhages
from the slightest trauma or change in blood pressure.
curs by way of the intrinsic or the extrinsic coagulation path-
ways (Fig. 12-4). The intrinsic pathway, which is a relatively
slow process, begins in the blood itself. The extrinsic pathway,
which is a much faster process, begins with tissue or vessel
trauma and the subsequent release of a complex of several fac-
tors, called tissue factor, or tissue thromboplastin. The terminal
steps in both pathways are the same: the activation of factor X,
the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin, and the conver-
sion of fibrinogen to fibrin. Prothrombin is an unstable
plasma protein, which is easily split into smaller parts, one of
which is thrombin. Thrombin, in turn, acts as an enzyme to
convert fibrinogen to fibrin.
Both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways are needed for nor-
mal hemostasis, and many interrelations exist between them.
Each system is activated when blood passes out of the vascular
system. The intrinsic system is activated as blood comes in con-
tact with collagen in the injured vessel wall and the extrinsic
system when blood is exposed to tissue extracts. Bleeding,
when it occurs because of defects in the extrinsic system, usu-
ally is not as severe as that which results from defects in the in-
trinsic pathway.
With few exceptions, almost all the blood-clotting factors
are synthesized in the liver. Vitamin K is required for the syn-
thesis of prothrombin, factors VII, IX, X, and protein C. Cal-
cium (factor IV) is required in all but the first two steps of the
clotting process. The body usually has sufficient amounts of
calcium for these reactions. Inactivation of the calcium ion pre-
vents blood from clotting when it is removed from the body.
The addition of citrate to blood stored for transfusion purposes
prevents clotting by chelating ionic calcium. Another chelator,
EDTA, is often added to blood samples used for analysis in the
clinical laboratory.
Coagulation is regulated by several natural anticoagulants.
Antithrombin III inactivates coagulation factors and neutral-
izes thrombin, the last enzyme in the pathway for the con-
version of fibrinogen to fibrin. When antithrombin III is
complexed with naturally occurring heparin, its action is
accelerated and provides protection against uncontrolled
thrombus formation on the endothelial surface. Protein C, a
plasma protein, acts as an anticoagulant by inactivating fac-
tors V and VIII. Protein S, another plasma protein, accelerates
the action of protein C. Plasmin breaks down fibrin into fib-
rin degradation products that act as anticoagulants. It has
been suggested that some of these natural anticoagulants may
play a role in the bleeding that occurs with disseminated in-
travascular coagulation (DIC; discussed later).
The anticoagulant drugs heparin and warfarin are used to
prevent venous thrombi and thromboembolic disorders, such
as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Heparin is
naturally formed by basophilic mast cells located at the pre-
capillary junctions in tissues throughout the body. These cells
continuously secrete small amounts of heparin, which is re-
leased into the circulation. Pharmacologic preparations of he-
parin, extracted from animal tissues, are available for treatment
of coagulation disorders. Heparin binds to antithrombin III,
causing a conformational change that increases the ability of
antithrombin III to inactivate factor Xa, thrombin, and other
clotting factors. By promoting the inactivation of clotting fac-
tors, heparin ultimately suppresses the formation of fibrin.
Heparin is unable to cross the membranes of the gastrointes-
tinal tract and must be given by injection. Warfarin acts by
Blood Coagulation
Blood coagulation is controlled by many substances that pro-
mote clotting ( i.e., procoagulation factors) or inhibit it ( i.e., anti-
coagulation factors). Each of the procoagulation factors, iden-
tified by Roman numerals, performs a specific step in the
coagulation process. The action of one coagulation factor or
proenzyme is designed to activate the next factor in the se-
quence ( i.e., cascade effect). Because most of the inactive pro-
coagulation factors are present in the blood at all times, the
multistep process ensures that a massive episode of intravascu-
lar clotting does not occur by chance. It also means that ab-
normalities of the clotting process occur when one or more of
the factors are deficient or when conditions lead to inappro-
priate activation of any of the steps.
The chemical events in the blood coagulation process
involve a number of essential steps that result in the conver-
sion of fibrinogen, a circulating plasma protein, to the fibrin
strands that enmesh platelets, blood cells, and plasma to form
the clot (Fig. 12-3). The initiation of the clotting process oc-
FIGURE 12-3 Scanning electron micrograph of a blood clot
( × 3600). The fibrous bridges that form a meshwork between red
blood cells are fibrin fibers. (© Oliver Meckes, Science Source/
Photo Researchers)
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Unit Three: Alterations in the Hematologic System
Intrinsic system
Extrinsic system
Antithrombin III
FIGURE 12-4 Intrinsic and extrinsic coagula-
tion pathways. The terminal steps in both path-
ways are the same. Calcium, factors X and V, and
platelet phospholipids combine to form prothrom-
bin activator, which then converts prothrombin to
thrombin. This interaction causes conversion of
fibrinogen into the fibrin strands that create the in-
soluble blood clot. Prothrombin and factors VII,
IX, and X require vitamin K for synthesis.
Fibrin (monomer)
Fibrin (polymer)
decreasing prothrombin and other procoagulation factors. It
alters vitamin K such that it reduces its availability to partici-
pate in synthesis of the vitamin K-dependent coagulation fac-
tors in the liver. Warfarin is readily absorbed after oral admin-
istration. Its maximum effect takes 36 to 72 hours because of
the varying half-lives of preformed clotting factors that remain
in the circulation.
Two naturally occurring plasminogen activators are tissue-
type plasminogen activator and urokinase-type plasminogen
activator. The liver, plasma, and vascular endothelium are the
major sources of physiologic activators. These activators are
released in response to a number of stimuli, including vaso-
active drugs, venous occlusion, elevated body temperature,
and exercise. The activators are unstable and rapidly inacti-
vated by inhibitors synthesized by the endothelium and the
liver. For this reason, chronic liver disease may cause altered
Clot Retraction
After the clot has formed, clot retraction, which requires large
numbers of platelets, contributes to hemostasis by squeezing
serum from the clot and joining the edges of the broken vessel.
Plasminogen activators
(liver and vascular endothelial factors)
Clot Dissolution
The dissolution of a blood clot begins shortly after its forma-
tion; this allows blood flow to be re-established and permanent
tissue repair to take place (see Fig. 12-2C). The process by
which a blood clot dissolves is called fibrinolysis. As with clot
formation, clot dissolution requires a sequence of steps con-
trolled by activators and inhibitors (Fig. 12-5). Plasminogen,
the proenzyme for the fibrinolytic process, normally is present
in the blood in its inactive form. It is converted to its active
form, plasmin, by plasminogen activators formed in the vas-
cular endothelium, liver, and kidneys. The plasmin formed
from plasminogen digests the fibrin strands of the clot and cer-
tain clotting factors, such as fibrinogen, factor V, factor VIII,
prothrombin, and factor XII. Circulating plasmin is rapidly
inactivated by
A 2 plasmin
Inhibitors of
plasminogen and
Digestion of fibrin
strands, fibrinogen,
Factors V and VIII.
α 2 -plasmin inhibitor, which limits fibrinolysis
to the local clot and prevents it from occurring in the entire
FIGURE 12-5 Fibrinolytic system and its modifiers. The solid
lines indicate activation, and the broken lines indicate inactivation.
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Chapter 12: Alterations in Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation
fibrinolytic activity. A major inhibitor, plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1, in high concentrations has been associated with
deep vein thrombosis, coronary artery disease, and myocar-
dial infarction. 3
sclerotic plaques disturb flow, cause endothelial damage, and
promote platelet adherence. Platelets that adhere to the ves-
sel wall release growth factors that can cause proliferation of
smooth muscle and thereby contribute to the development of
atherosclerosis. Smoking, elevated levels of blood lipids and
cholesterol, hemodynamic stress, diabetes mellitus, and im-
mune mechanisms may cause vessel damage, platelet adher-
ence, and, eventually, thrombosis. Some cancers and other dis-
eases are associated with high platelet counts and the potential
for thrombosis. The term thrombocytosis is used to describe
platelet counts greater than 1,000,000/mm 3 . This occurs in
some malignancies and inflammatory states and after splenec-
tomy. Myeloproliferative disorders that result in excess platelet
production may predispose to thrombosis or, paradoxically,
bleeding when the rapidly produced platelets are defective.
In summary, hemostasis is designed to maintain the in-
tegrity of the vascular compartment. The process is divided
into five phases: vessel spasm, which constricts the size of the
vessel and reduces blood flow; platelet adherence and forma-
tion of the platelet plug; formation of the fibrin clot, which
cements together the platelet plug; clot retraction, which
pulls the edges of the injured vessel together; and clot disso-
lution, which involves the action of plasmin that dissolves the
clot and allows blood flow to be re-established and tissue
healing to take place. Blood coagulation requires the stepwise
activation of coagulation factors, carefully controlled by acti-
vators and inhibitors.
Increased Clotting Activity
Increased clotting activity results from factors that increase the
activation of the coagulation system, including stasis of blood
flow and alterations in the coagulation components of the
blood ( i.e., an increase in procoagulation factors or a decrease
in anticoagulation factors). Stasis of blood flow causes the ac-
cumulation of activated clotting factors and platelets and pre-
vents their interactions with inhibitors. Slow and disturbed
flow is a common cause of venous thrombosis in the immobi-
lized or postoperative patient. Heart failure also contributes to
venous congestion and thrombosis. Elevated levels of estrogen
tend to increase hepatic synthesis of many of the coagulation
factors and decrease the synthesis of antithrombin III. 4 The in-
cidence of stroke, thromboemboli, and myocardial infarction
is greater in women who use oral contraceptives, particularly
after age 35 years, and in heavy smokers. Clotting factors are
also increased during normal pregnancy. These changes, along
with limited activity during the puerperium (immediate post-
partum period), predispose to venous thrombosis. A hyper-
coagulability state is also common in cancer and sepsis. Many
tumor cells are thought to release tissue factor molecules that,
along with the increased immobility and sepsis seen in patients
with malignant disease, contribute to increased risk of both
venous and arterial thrombosis.
A reduction in anticoagulants such as antithrombin III,
protein C, and protein S predisposes to venous thrombosis. 5
Hypercoagulability represents hemostasis in an exaggerated
form and predisposes to thrombosis. Arterial thrombi caused
by turbulence are composed of platelet aggregates, and venous
thrombi caused by stasis of flow are largely composed of
platelet aggregates and fibrin complexes that result from excess
coagulation. There are two general forms of hypercoagulability
states: conditions that create increased platelet function and
conditions that cause accelerated activity of the coagulation
system. Chart 12-1 summarizes conditions commonly associ-
ated with hypercoagulability states.
Increased Platelet Function
Increased platelet function predisposes to platelet adhesion,
formation of a platelet or blood clot, and disturbance of blood
flow. The causes of increased platelet function are disturbances
in flow, endothelial damage, and increased sensitivity of plate-
lets to factors that cause adhesiveness and aggregation. Athero-
CHART 12-1 Conditions Associated
With Hypercoagulability States
Increased Platelet Function
Diabetes mellitus
Elevated blood lipid and cholesterol levels
Increased platelet levels
Hypercoagulability states increase the risk of clot or
thrombus formation in either the arterial or venous
Accelerated Activity of the Clotting System
Pregnancy and the puerperium
Use of oral contraceptives
Postsurgical state
Congestive heart failure
Malignant diseases
Arterial thrombi are associated with conditions that
produce turbulent blood flow and platelet
Venous thrombi are associated with conditions that
cause stasis of blood flow with increased concentra-
tions of coagulation factors.
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