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Hematologic System
Alterations in
White Blood Cells
Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissue
Leukocytes (White blood cells)
Monocytes and Macrophages
The Bone Marrow and Hematopoiesis
Lymphoid Tissues
Non-neoplastic Disorders of White Blood Cells
Neutropenia (Agranulocytosis)
Acquired Neutropenia
Congenital Neutropenia
Clinical Course
Infectious Mononucleosis
Clinical Course
Neoplastic Disorders of Hematopoietic and
Lymphoid Origin
Malignant Lymphomas
Hodgkin’s Disease
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas
Acute Leukemias
Chronic Leukemias
Multiple Myeloma
cells originate and mature function to protect the body
against invasion by foreign agents. Disorders of the white
blood cells include a deficiency of leukocytes (leukopenia) or
increased numbers as occurs with proliferative disorders. The
proliferative disorders may be reactive, such as occurs with
infection, or neoplastic, such as occurs with leukemias and
Blood consists of blood cells ( i.e., white blood cells, thrombo-
cytes or platelets [see Chapter 12], and red blood cells [see
Chapter 13]) and the plasma in which the cells are suspended.
The generation of blood cells takes place in the hematopoietic
(from the Greek haima for “blood” and poiesis for “making”)
system. 1 The hematopoietic system encompasses all of the
blood cells and their precursors, the bone marrow where blood
cells have their origin, and the lymphoid tissues where some
blood cells circulate as they develop and mature.
Alterations in the
T he white blood cells and lymphoid tissues where these
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Unit Three: Alterations in the Hematologic System
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
The leukocytes, or white blood cells, constitute only 1% of the
total blood volume. They originate in the bone marrow and cir-
culate throughout the lymphoid tissues of the body. There they
function in the inflammatory and immune processes. They in-
clude the granulocytes, the lymphocytes, and the monocytes
(Fig. 11-1).
other cells. Enzymes and oxidizing agents associated with these
granules are capable of degrading a variety of natural and syn-
thetic substances, including complex polysaccharides, proteins,
and lipids. The degradative functions of the neutrophil are im-
portant in maintaining normal host defenses and in mediating
the inflammatory response (see Chapter 9).
The neutrophils have their origin in the myeloblasts that are
found in the bone marrow (Fig. 11-2). The myeloblasts are the
committed precursors of the granulocyte pathway and do not
normally appear in the peripheral circulation. When they are
present, it suggests a disorder of blood cell proliferation and
differentiation. The myeloblasts differentiate into promyelo-
cytes and then myelocytes. Generally, a cell is not called a mye-
locyte until it has at least 12 granules. The myelocytes mature
to become metamyelocytes (Greek meta for “beyond”), at
which point they lose their capacity for mitosis. Subsequent de-
velopment of the neutrophil involves reduction in size, with
transformation from an indented to an oval to a horseshoe-
shaped nucleus ( i.e., band cell) and then to a mature cell with
a segmented nucleus. Mature neutrophils are often referred to
as segs because of their segmented nucleus. The development
from stem cell to mature neutrophil takes about 2 weeks. It is
at this point that the neutrophil enters the bloodstream.
After release from the marrow, the neutrophils spend only
about 4 to 8 hours in the circulation before moving into the tis-
sues. 2 Their survival in the tissues lasts about 4 to 5 days. They
die in the tissues while discharging their phagocytic function
or die of senescence. The pool of circulating neutrophils
( i.e., those that appear in the blood count) is in rapid equilib-
rium with a similar-sized pool of cells marginating along the
The granulocytes are all phagocytic cells and are identifiable be-
cause of their cytoplasmic granules. These white blood cells are
spherical and have distinctive multilobar nuclei. The granulo-
cytes are divided into three types (neutrophils, eosinophils,
and basophils) according to the staining properties of the
Neutrophils. The neutrophils, which constitute 55% to 65% of
the total number of white blood cells, have granules that are
neutral and thus do not stain with an acidic or a basic dye.
Because their nuclei are divided into three to five lobes, they are
often called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs).
The neutrophils are primarily responsible for maintaining
normal host defenses against invading bacteria, fungi, products
of cell destruction, and a variety of foreign substances. The cy-
toplasm of mature neutrophils contains fine granules. These
granules contain degrading enzymes that are used in destroy-
ing foreign substances and correspond to lysosomes found in
Loss of capacity
for mitosis
Band cell
Segmented neutrophil
Enters blood Enters tissues
(1-2 days)
FIGURE 11-2 Development of neutrophils. (Adapted from
Cormack D.H. [1993]. Ham’s histology [9th ed.]. Philadelphia: J.B.
FIGURE 11-1 White blood cells—granulocyte, lymphocyte,
and monocyte.
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Chapter 11: Alterations in White Blood Cells
walls of small blood vessels. These are the neutrophils that re-
spond to chemotactic factors and migrate into the tissues to-
ward the offending agent during an inflammatory response.
Epinephrine, exercise, stress, and corticosteroid drug therapy
can cause rapid increases in the circulating neutrophil count by
shifting cells from the marginating to the circulating pool.
Endotoxins or microbes may have the opposite effect, by at-
tracting neutrophils to move out of the circulation and into the
terial than do the neutrophils. These leukocytes play an im-
portant role in chronic inflammation and are also involved in
the immune response by activating lymphocytes and by pre-
senting antigen to T cells. When the monocyte leaves the
vascular system and enters the tissues, it functions as a macro-
phage with specific activity. The macrophages are known as his-
tiocytes in loose connective tissue, microglial cells in the brain,
and Kupffer’s cells in the liver.
Eosinophils. The cytoplasmic granules of the eosinophils stain
red with the acidic dye eosin. These leukocytes constitute 1%
to 3% of the total number of white blood cells and increase in
number during allergic reactions. They are thought to release
enzymes or chemical mediators that detoxify agents associated
with allergic reactions. Eosinophils are also involved in para-
sitic infections. Although most parasites are too large to be
phagocytized by eosinophils, the eosinophils attach them-
selves to the parasite by special surface molecules and release
hydrolytic enzymes and other substances from their granules
that kill the parasite.
The Bone Marrow and Hematopoiesis
The blood-forming population of bone marrow is made up of
three types of cells: self-renewing stem cells, differentiated
progenitor (parent) cells, and functional mature blood cells.
All of the blood cell precursors of the erythrocyte ( i.e., red
cell), myelocyte ( i.e., granulocyte or monocyte), lymphocyte
( i.e., T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte), and megakaryocyte
( i.e., platelet) series are derived from a small population of
primitive cells called the pluripotent stem cells (Fig. 11-3).
Their lifelong potential for proliferation and self-renewal
makes them an indispensable and lifesaving source of reserve
cells for the entire hematopoietic system.
Several levels of differentiation lead to the development of
committed stem cells, which are the progenitor for each of the
blood cell types. A committed stem cell that forms a specific
type of blood cell is called a colony-forming unit (CFU). Under
normal conditions, the numbers and total mass for each type
of circulating blood cell remain relatively constant. The blood
cells are produced in different numbers according to needs and
regulatory factors. This regulation of blood cells is controlled
by a group of short-acting soluble mediators, called cytokines,
that stimulate the proliferation, differentiation, and functional
activation of the various blood cell precursors in bone mar-
row. 3 The cytokines that stimulate hematopoiesis are called
colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), based on their ability to pro-
mote the growth of the hematopoietic cell colonies from
bone marrow precursors. Lineage-specific CSFs that act on
committed progenitor cells include: erythropoietin (EPO),
granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF),
and thrombopoietin (TPO). The major sources of the CSFs
are lymphocytes and stromal cells of the bone marrow. Other
cytokines, such as the interleukins, support the development of
lymphocytes and act synergistically to aid the functions of the
CSFs (see Chapter 8).
Basophils. The granules of the basophils stain blue with a
basic dye. These cells constitute only about 0.3% to 0.5% of
the white blood cells. The basophils in the circulating blood
are similar to the large mast cells located immediately outside
the capillaries in body tissues. Both the basophils and mast
cells release heparin, an anticoagulant, into the blood. The
mast cells and basophils also release histamine, a vasodilator,
and other inflammatory mediators. The mast cells and baso-
phils play an exceedingly important role in allergic reactions
(see Chapter 10).
The lymphocytes have their origin in the lymphoid stem cells
that are found in the bone marrow. The lymphocytes constitute
20% to 30% of the white blood cell count. They have no iden-
tifiable granules in the cytoplasm and are sometimes referred
to as agranulocytes. They move between blood and lymphoid
tissues, where they may be stored for hours or years. Their
function in the lymph nodes or spleen is to defend against for-
eign microbes in the immune response (see Chapter 8). There
are two types of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes and T lympho-
cytes. The lymphocytes play an important role in the immune
response. The B lymphocytes differentiate to form antibody-
producing plasma cells and are involved in humoral-mediated
immunity. The T lymphocytes are responsible for orchestrat-
ing the immune response (CD4 + T cells) and effecting cell-
mediated immunity (CD8 + T cells).
Lymphoid Tissues
The lymphoid tissues represent the structures where lympho-
cytes originate, mature, and interact with antigens. Lymphoid
tissues can be classified into two groups: the central or genera-
tive organs and peripheral lymphoid organs (see Chapter 8).
The central lymphoid structures consist of the bone marrow,
where all lymphocytes arise, and the thymus, where T cells ma-
ture and reach a stage of functional competence. The thymus is
also the site where self-reactive T cells are eliminated.
The peripheral lymphoid organs are the sites where mature
lymphocytes respond to foreign antigens. They include the
lymph nodes, the spleen, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues,
and the cutaneous immune system. In addition, poorly defined
aggregates of lymphocytes are found in connective tissues and
virtually all organs of the body.
Monocytes and Macrophages
Monocytes are the largest of the white blood cells and consti-
tute about 3% to 8% of the total leukocyte count. They have
abundant cytoplasm and a darkly stained nucleus, which has a
distinctive U or kidney shape. The circulating life span of the
monocyte is about 1 to 3 days, three to four times longer than
that of the granulocytes. These cells survive for months to years
in the tissues. The monocytes, which are phagocytic cells, are
often referred to as macrophages when they enter the tissues. The
monocytes engulf larger and greater quantities of foreign ma-
Unit Three: Alterations in the Hematologic System
Pluripotent stem cell
Myeloid stem cell
Lymphoid stem cell
T cell
B cell
B cell
T cell
Plasma cell
FIGURE 11-3 Major maturational stages of blood cells. CFU, colony-forming units.
In summary, the hematopoietic system consists of a
number of cells derived from the pluripotent stem cells origi-
nating in the bone marrow. These cells differentiate into
committed cell lines that mature in red blood cells, platelets,
and a variety of white blood cells. The development of the
different types of blood cells is supported by chemical mes-
sengers called colony-stimulating factors. The lymphoid tis-
sues are found in the central lymphoid structures (bone mar-
row and thymus) where lymphocytes arise, mature, and
where self-reactive lymphocytes are eliminated and the peri-
pheral lymphoid structures (lymph nodes, spleen, mucosal-
associated lymphoid tissue, and the cutaneous immune
system) where lymphocytes respond to foreign antigens.
White blood cells are formed partially in the bone
marrow (granulocytes, monocytes, and some lym-
phocytes) and partially in the lymph system
(lymphocytes and plasma cells).
They are formed from hematopoietic stem cells that
differentiate into committed progenitor cells that in
turn develop into the myelogenous and lymphocytic
lineages needed for the formation of the different
types of white blood cell.
The growth and reproduction of the different stem
cells is controlled by CSFs and other cytokines and
chemical mediators.
The life span of white blood cells is relatively short so
that constant renewal is necessary to maintain nor-
mal blood levels. Any conditions that decrease the
availability of stem cells or hematopoietic growth
factors produce a decrease in white blood cells.
L of
blood. The term leukopenia describes an absolute decrease in
white blood cell numbers. The disorder may affect any of the
The number of leukocytes, or white blood cells, in the periph-
eral circulation normally ranges from 5000 to 10,000/
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Chapter 11: Alterations in White Blood Cells
specific types of white blood cells, but most often it affects the
neutrophils, which are the predominant type of granulocyte.
suppression of bone marrow function. The term idiosyncratic is
used to describe drug reactions that are different from the ef-
fects obtained in most persons and that cannot be explained in
terms of allergy. A number of drugs, such as chloramphenicol
(an antibiotic), phenothiazine tranquilizers, sulfonamides,
propylthiouracil (used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism),
and phenylbutazone (used in the treatment of arthritis), may
cause idiosyncratic depression of bone marrow function. Some
drugs, such as hydantoin derivatives and primidone (used in
the treatment of seizure disorders), can cause intramedullary
destruction of granulocytes and thereby impair production.
Many idiosyncratic cases of drug-induced neutropenia are
thought to be caused by immunologic mechanisms, with the
drug or its metabolites acting as antigens ( i.e., haptens) to in-
cite the production of antibodies reactive against the neutro-
phils. Neutrophils possess human leukocyte antigens (HLA)
and other antigens specific to a given leukocyte line. Antibodies
to these specific antigens have been identified in some cases of
d r ug-induced neutropenia. 4
Neutropenia (Agranulocytosis)
Neutropenia refers specifically to a decrease in neutrophils. It
commonly is defined as a circulating neutrophil count of less
than 1500 cells/
L. 4
The reduction in granulocytes can occur because there is re-
duced or ineffective production of neutrophils or because there
is excessive removal of neutrophils from the blood. The causes
of neutropenia are summarized in Table 11-1.
Acquired Neutropenia
Granulopoiesis may be impaired by a variety of bone marrow
disorders, such as aplastic anemia or bone marrow depression
caused by cancer chemotherapy and irradiation, that interfere
with the formation of all blood cells. Overgrowth of neoplas-
tic cells in cases of nonmyelogenous leukemia and lymphoma
also may suppress the function of neutrophil precursors. In-
fections by viruses or bacteria may drain neutrophils from the
blood faster than they can be replaced, thereby depleting
the neutrophil storage pool in the bone marrow. 4 Because of the
neutrophil’s short life span of less than 1 day in the peripheral
blood, neutropenia occurs rapidly when granulopoiesis is im-
paired. Under these conditions, neutropenia usually is ac-
companied by thrombocytopenia ( i.e., platelet deficiency).
In aplastic anemia, all of the myeloid stem cells are affected,
resulting in anemia, thrombocytopenia, and agranulocytosis.
Autoimmune disorders or idiosyncratic drug reactions may
cause increased and premature destruction of neutrophils. In
splenomegaly, neutrophils may be trapped in the spleen along
with other blood cells. In Felty’s syndrome, a variant of rheu-
matoid arthritis, there is increased destruction of neutrophils
in the spleen.
Most cases of neutropenia are drug related. Chemother-
apeutic drugs used in the treatment of cancer ( e.g., alkylating
agents, antimetabolites) cause predictable dose-dependent
Congenital Neutropenia
A decreased production of granulocytes is a feature of a group
of hereditary hematologic disorders, including cyclic neutro-
penia and Kostmann’s syndrome. Periodic or cyclic neutropenia
is an autosomal dominant disorder with variable expression
that begins in infancy and persists for decades. It is character-
ized by periodic neutropenia that develops every 21 to 30 days
and lasts approximately 3 to 6 days. Although the cause is un-
determined, it is thought to result from impaired feedback
regulation of granulocyte production and release. Kostmann’s
syndrome, which occurs sporadically or as an autosomal reces-
sive disorder, causes severe neutropenia while preserving the
erythroid and megakaryocyte cell lineages that result in red
blood cell and platelet production. The total white blood cell
count may be within normal limits, but the neutrophil count
is less than 200/
L. Monocyte and eosinophil levels may be
A transient neutropenia may occur in neonates whose
mothers have hypertension. It usually lasts from 1 to 60 hours
TABLE 11-1
Causes of Neutropenia
Accelerated removal ( e.g. , inflammation and infection)
Drug-induced granulocytopenia
Defective production
Cytotoxic drugs used in cancer therapy
Phenothiazine, thiouracil, chloramphenicol, phenylbutazone,
and others
Hydantoinates, primidone, and others
Immune destruction
Aminopyrine and others
Periodic or cyclic neutropenia (occurs during infancy and later)
Neoplasms involving bone marrow (e.g., leukemias and lymphomas)
Removal of neutrophils from the circulation exceeds production
Predictable damage to precursor cells, usually dose dependent
Idiosyncratic depression of bone marrow function
Intramedullary destruction of granulocytes
Immunologic mechanisms with cytolysis or leukoagglutination
Overgrowth of neoplastic cells, which crowd out granulopoietic
Autoimmune reaction
Idiopathic neutropenia that occurs in the absence of other disease or
provoking influence
Felty’s syndrome
Intrasplenic destruction of neutrophils
L. Agranulocytosis, which denotes a severe
neutropenia, is characterized by a circulating neutrophil count
of less than 200 cells/
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Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin