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Alterations in Fluids,
Electrolytes, and
Acid-Base Balance
Composition and Compartmental Distribution of
Body Fluids
Introductory Concepts
Diffusion and Osmosis
Compartmental Distribution of Body Fluids
Intracellular Fluid Volume
Extracellular Fluid Volume
Capillary/Interstitial Fluid Exchange
Third-Space Accumulation
Sodium and Water Balance
Regulation of Sodium and Water Balance
Regulation of Sodium Balance
Regulation of Water Balance
Alterations in Isotonic Fluid Volume
Isotonic Fluid Volume Deficit
Isotonic Fluid Volume Excess
Alterations in Sodium Concentration
Potassium Balance
Regulation of Potassium Balance
Calcium and Magnesium Balance
Calcium Balance
Regulation of Serum Calcium
Magnesium Balance
Regulation of Magnesium
Acid-Base Balance
Introductory Concepts
Acid-Base Chemistry
Metabolic Acid and Bicarbonate Production
Regulation of pH
Laboratory Tests
Alterations in Acid-Base Balance
Metabolic Versus Respiratory Acid-Base Disorders
Primary Versus Compensatory Mechanisms
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic Alkalosis
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory Alkalosis
sue spaces between the cells, and in the blood that fills
the vascular compartment. Body fluids serve to transport
gases, nutrients, and wastes; help to generate the electrical
activity needed to power body functions; take part in the
transforming of food into energy; and otherwise maintain the
overall function of the body. Although fluid volume and
composition remain relatively constant in the presence of a
wide range of changes in intake and output, conditions such
as environmental stresses and disease can increase fluid loss,
impair its intake, and otherwise interfere with mechanisms
that regulate fluid volume, composition, and distribution.
Body fluids are distributed between the intracellular fluid (ICF)
and extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments. The ICF compart-
ment consists of fluid contained within all of the billions of
cells in the body. It is the larger of the two compartments, con-
taining approximately two thirds of the body water in healthy
adults. The remaining one third of body water is in the ECF
compartment, which contains all the fluids outside the cells, in-
cluding that in the interstitial or tissue spaces and blood vessels
(Fig. 6-1). The ECF, including the plasma and interstitial fluids,
F luids and electrolytes are present in body cells, in the tis-
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Chapter 6: Alterations in Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance
mechanisms such as the Na + /K + -ATPase pump that is located in
the cell membrane for movement across the membrane (see
Chapter 1). Water crosses the cell membrane by osmosis using
special protein channels.
Introductory Concepts
The electrolytes in body fluids are substances that dissociate
in solution to form charged particles, or ions. For example,
a sodium chloride (NaCl) molecule dissociates to form a
positively charged Na + ion and a negatively charged Cl ion.
Because of their attraction forces, positively charged cations are
always accompanied by negatively charged anions. The distri-
bution of electrolytes between body compartments is influ-
enced by their electrical charge. However, one cation may be
exchanged for another, providing it carries the same charge. For
example, a positively charged H + ion may be exchanged for a
positively charged K + and a negatively charged HCO 3 ion may
be exchanged for a negatively charged Cl anion.
(plasma) water
(interstitial) water
FIGURE 6-1 Distribution of body water. The extracellular space
includes the vascular compartment (plasma water) and the inter-
stitial spaces.
Diffusion and Osmosis
Diffusion is the movement of charged or uncharged particles
along a concentration gradient. All molecules and ions, in-
cluding water and dissolved molecules, are in constant random
motion. It is the motion of these particles, each colliding with
one another, that supplies the energy for diffusion. Because
there are more molecules in constant motion in a concentrated
solution, particles move from an area of higher concentration
to one of lower concentration.
Osmosis is the movement of water across a semipermeable
membrane ( i.e., one that is permeable to water but imper-
meable to most solutes). As with solute particles, water diffuses
down its concentration gradient, moving from the side of
the membrane with the lesser number of particles and greater
concentration of water to the side with the greater number of
particles and lesser concentration of water (Fig. 6-2). As water
moves across the semipermeable membrane, it generates a
pressure, called the osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure
represents the pressure (measured in millimeters of mercury
[mm Hg]) needed to oppose the movement of water across the
The osmotic activity that nondiffusible particles exert in
pulling water from one side of the semipermeable membrane
to the other is measured by a unit called an osmole. The os-
mole is derived from the gram molecular weight of a substance
( i.e., 1 gram molecular weight of a nondiffusible and non-
ionizable substance is equal to 1 osmole). In the clinical set-
ting, osmotic activity usually is expressed in milliosmoles (one
thousandth of an osmole) per liter. Each nondiffusible parti-
cle, large or small, is equally effective in its ability to pull water
through a semipermeable membrane. Thus, it is the number,
rather than the size, of the nondiffusible particles that deter-
mines the osmotic activity of a solution.
The osmotic activity of a solution may be expressed in terms
of either its osmolarity or osmolality. Osmolarity refers to the
osmolar concentration in 1 L of solution (mOsm/L) and osmo-
lality to the osmolar concentration in 1 kg of water (mOsm/kg
of H 2 O). Osmolarity is usually used when referring to fluids
outside the body and osmolality for describing fluids inside the
body. Because 1 L of water weighs 1 kg, the terms osmolarity and
osmolality are often used interchangeably.
contain large amounts of sodium and chloride, moderate
amounts of bicarbonate, but only small quantities of potas-
sium. In contrast to the ECF fluid, the ICF contains small
amounts of sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate and large
amounts of potassium (Table 6-1). It is the ECF levels of elec-
trolytes in the blood or blood serum that are measured clini-
cally. Although blood levels usually are representative of the
total body levels of an electrolyte, this is not always the case,
particularly with potassium, which is approximately 28 times
more concentrated inside the cell than outside.
The cell membrane serves as the primary barrier to the
movement of substances between the ECF and ICF compart-
ments. Lipid-soluble substances such as gases ( i.e., oxygen and
carbon dioxide), which dissolve in the lipid bilayer of the cell
membrane, pass directly through the membrane. Many ions,
such as sodium (Na + ) and potassium (K + ), rely on transport
Concentrations of
Extracellular and Intracellular
Electrolytes in Adults
135–145 mEq/L
10–14 mEq/L
3.5–5.0 mEq/L
140–150 mEq/L
98–106 mEq/L
3–4 mEq/L
24–31 mEq/L
7–10 mEq/L
8.5–10.5 mg/dL
< 1 mEq/L
2.5–4.5 mg/dL
4 mEq/kg
1.8–3.0 mg/dL
40 mEq/kg
* Values may vary among laboratories, depending on the method of analysis
Values vary among various tissues and with nutritional status.
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Unit One: Mechanisms of Disease
Measurement Units
Laboratory measurements of electrolytes in body fluids
are expressed as a concentration or amount of solute in a
given volume of fluid, such as milligrams per deciliter
(mg/dL), milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L), or millimoles
per liter (mmol/L).
The use of milligrams (mg) per deciliter expresses the weight
of the solute in one tenth of a liter (dL). The concentration of
electrolytes, such as calcium, phosphate, and magnesium, is
often expressed in mg/dL.
The milliequivalent is used to express the charge equivalency
for a given weight of an electrolyte: 1 mEq of sodium has the
same number of charges as 1 mEq of chloride, regardless of
molecular weight. The number of milliequivalents of an elec-
trolyte in a liter of solution can be derived from the following
mg/100 mL × 10 × valence
atomic weight
The Système Internationale (SI) units express electrolyte
concentration in millimoles per liter (mmol/L). A millimole is
one thousandth of a mole, or the molecular weight of a sub-
stance expressed in milligrams. The number of millimoles of
an electrolyte in a liter of solution can be calculated using the
following equation:
mEq =
FIGURE 6-2 Movement of water across a semipermeable mem-
brane. Water moves from the side that has fewer nondiffusible
particles to the side that has more. The osmotic pressure is equal
to the hydrostatic pressure needed to oppose water movement
across the membrane.
mmol/L =
Serum osmolality, which is largely determined by sodium
and its attendant anions (chloride and bicarbonate), normally
ranges between 275 and 295 mOsm/kg. Blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) and glucose, which also are osmotically active, account
for less than 5% of the total osmotic pressure in the ECF com-
partment. However, this can change, such as when blood glu-
cose levels are elevated in persons with diabetes mellitus or
when BUN levels change rapidly in persons with renal failure.
Compartmental Distribution of Body Fluids
Body water is distributed between the ICF and ECF compart-
ments. In the adult, the fluid in the ICF compartment consti-
tutes approximately 40% of body weight. 1 The fluid in the ECF
compartment is further divided into two major subdivisions:
the plasma compartment, which constitutes approximately 4%
Tonicity. A change in water content causes cells to swell or
shrink. The term tonicity refers to the tension or effect that the
effective osmotic pressure of a solution with impermeable
solutes exerts on cell size because of water movement across
the cell membrane. An effective osmole is one that exerts an os-
motic force and cannot permeate the cell membrane, whereas
an ineffective osmole is one that exerts an osmotic force but
crosses the cell membrane. Tonicity is determined solely by ef-
fective solutes such as glucose that cannot penetrate the cell
membrane, thereby producing an osmotic force that pulls
water into or out of the cell and causing it to change size.
Solutions to which body cells are exposed can be classified
as isotonic, hypotonic, or hypertonic, depending on whether
they cause cells to swell or shrink (Fig. 6-3). Cells placed in an
isotonic solution, which has the same effective osmolality as
the ICF ( i.e., 280 mOsm/L), neither shrink nor swell. An ex-
ample of an isotonic solution is 0.9% sodium chloride. When
cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, which has a lower ef-
fective osmolality than the ICF, they swell as water moves into
the cell; when they are placed in a hypertonic solution, which
has a greater effective osmolality than ICF, they shrink as water
is pulled out of the cell.
Isotonic solution Hypotonic solution Hypertonic solution
FIGURE 6-3 Tonicity. Red cells undergo no change in size in
isotonic solutions ( A ). They increase in size in hypotonic solutions
( B ) and decrease in size in hypertonic solutions ( C ).
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Chapter 6: Alterations in Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance
of body weight, and the interstitial fluid compartment, which
constitutes approximately 15% of body weight (Fig. 6-4).
A third, usually minor, subdivision of the ECF compartment
is the transcellular compartment. It includes the cerebrospinal
fluid and fluid contained in the various body spaces, such as
the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities; the joint spaces;
and the gastrointestinal tract. Normally, only approximately
1% of ECF is in the transcellular space. This amount can in-
crease considerably in conditions such as ascites, in which large
amounts of fluid are sequestered in the peritoneal cavity. When
the transcellular fluid compartment becomes considerably en-
larged, it is referred to as a third space, because this fluid is not
readily available for exchange with the rest of the ECF.
Intracellular Fluid Volume
The intracellular fluid volume is regulated by proteins and or-
ganic compounds in the ICF and by solutes that move between
the ECF and ICF. The membrane in most cells is freely perme-
able to water; therefore, water moves between the ECF and ICF
as a result of osmosis. In contrast, osmotically active proteins
and other organic compounds cannot pass through the mem-
brane. Water entry into the cell is regulated by these osmoti-
cally active substances as well as by solutes such as sodium and
potassium that pass through the cell membrane. Many of the
intracellular proteins are negatively charged and attract posi-
tively charged ions such as the K + ion, accounting for its higher
concentration in the ICF. The Na + ion, which has a greater con-
centration in the ECF, tends to enter the cell by diffusion. The
Na + ion is osmotically active, and its entry would, if left un-
checked, pull water into the cell until it ruptured. The reason
this does not occur is because the Na + /K + -ATPase membrane
pump continuously removes three Na + ions from the cell for
every two K + ions that are moved back into the cell (see Chap-
ter 1). Situations that impair the function of the Na + /K + -ATPase
pump, such as hypoxia, cause cells to swell because of an accu-
mulation of Na + ions.
Intracellular volume is also affected by the concentration of
osmotically active substances in the extracellular fluid that can-
not cross the cell membrane. In diabetes mellitus, for example,
glucose cannot enter the cell and its increased concentration in
the ECF pulls water out of the cell.
Extracellular Fluid Volume
The ECF is divided between the vascular and interstitial fluid
compartments. The vascular compartment contains blood,
which is essential to the transport of substances such as elec-
trolytes, gases, nutrients, and waste products throughout the
body. The fluid in the interstitial compartment acts as a trans-
port vehicle for gases, nutrients, wastes, and other materials
that move between the vascular compartment and body cells.
The interstitial fluid compartment also provides a reservoir
from which vascular volume can be maintained during periods
of hemorrhage or loss of vascular volume. A tissue gel, which
is a spongelike material composed of large quantities of mu-
copolysaccharides, fills the tissue spaces and aids in even dis-
tribution of interstitial fluid. Normally, most of the fluid in the
interstitium is in gel form. The tissue gel is supported by colla-
gen fibers that hold the gel in place. The tissue gel, which has a
firmer consistency than water, opposes the outflow of water
from the capillaries and prevents the accumulation of free
water in the interstitial spaces.
Capillary/Interstitial Fluid Exchange
The transfer of water between the vascular and interstitial com-
partments occurs at the capillary level. Four forces control the
movement of water between the capillary and interstitial
spaces: (1) the capillary filtration pressure, which pushes water
out of the capillary into the interstitial spaces; (2) the capillary
colloidal osmotic pressure, which pulls water back into the cap-
illary; (3) the interstitial hydrostatic pressure, which opposes
the movement of water out of the capillary; and (4) the tissue
colloidal osmotic pressure, which pulls water out of the capil-
lary into the interstitial spaces (Fig. 6-5). Normally, the com-
bination of these four forces is such that only a small excess of
fluid remains in the interstitial compartment. This excess fluid
is removed from the interstitium by the lymphatic system and
returned to the systemic circulation.
Capillary filtration refers to the movement of water through
capillary pores because of a mechanical, rather than an os-
motic, force. The capillary filtration pressure, sometimes called
the capillary hydrostatic pressure, is the pressure pushing water
out of the capillary into the interstitial spaces. It reflects the
Total body water = 60% body weight
Intracellular water
40% body weight
Extracellular water
20% body weight
colloidal osmotic
5% 1%
10 liters
28 liters
Lymph channels
FIGURE 6-4 Approximate size of body compartments in a
70-kg adult.
FIGURE 6-5 Exchange of fluid at the capillary level.
Unit One: Mechanisms of Disease
arterial and venous pressures, the precapillary (arterioles) and
postcapillary (venules) resistances, and the force of gravity. 2 A
rise in arterial or venous pressure increases capillary pressure.
A decrease in arterial resistance or increase in venous resistance
increases capillary pressure, and an increase in arterial resis-
tance or decrease in venous resistance decreases capillary pres-
sure. The force of gravity increases capillary pressure in the
dependent parts of the body. In a person who is standing ab-
solutely still, the weight of blood in the vascular column causes
an increase of 1 mm Hg in pressure for every 13.6 mm of dis-
tance from the heart. 2 This pressure results from the weight of
water and is therefore called hydrostatic pressure. In the adult
who is standing absolutely still, the pressure in the veins of feet
can reach 90 mm Hg. This pressure is then transmitted to the
The capillary colloidal osmotic pressure is the osmotic pressure
generated by the plasma proteins that are too large to pass
through the pores of the capillary wall. The term colloidal os-
motic pressure differentiates this type of osmotic pressure from
the osmotic pressure that develops at the cell membrane from
the presence of electrolytes and nonelectrolytes. Because
plasma proteins do not normally penetrate the capillary pores
and because their concentration is greater in the plasma than
in the interstitial fluids, it is capillary colloidal osmotic pressure
that pulls fluids back into the capillary.
The interstitial fluid pressure and the tissue colloidal os-
motic pressure contribute to movement of water into and out
of the interstitial spaces. The interstitial fluid pressure opposes
the outward movement of water from the capillary into the in-
terstitial spaces. The tissue colloidal osmotic pressure pulls
water out of the capillary into the tissue spaces. It reflects the
small amount of plasma proteins that normally escape from
the capillary to enter the interstitial spaces.
CHART 6-1 Causes of Edema
Increased Capillary Pressure
Increased vascular volume
Heart failure
Kidney disease
Premenstrual sodium retention
Environmental heat stress
Venous obstruction
Liver disease with portal vein obstruction
Acute pulmonary edema
Venous thrombosis (thrombophlebitis)
Decreased arteriolar resistance
Calcium channel–blocking drug responses
Decreased Colloidal Osmotic Pressure
Increased loss of plasma proteins
Protein-losing kidney diseases
Extensive burns
Decreased production of plasma proteins
Liver disease
Starvation, malnutrition
Increased Capillary Permeability
Allergic reactions ( e.g., hives, angioneurotic edema)
Malignancy ( e.g., ascites, pleural effusion)
Tissue injury and burns
Obstruction of Lymphatic Flow
Malignant obstruction of lymphatic structures
Surgical removal of lymph nodes
Edema can be defined as palpable swelling produced by ex-
pansion of the interstitial fluid volume. Edema does not
become evident until the interstitial fluid volume has been
increased by 2.5 to 3 L. 3
The physiologic mechanisms that contribute to edema
formation include factors that: (1) increase the capillary fil-
tration pressure, (2) decrease the capillary colloidal osmotic
pressure, (3) increase capillary permeability, or (4) produce
obstruction to lymph flow. The causes of edema are summa-
rized in Chart 6-1.
Generalized edema is common in conditions such as con-
gestive heart failure that produce fluid retention and venous
congestion. In right-sided heart failure, blood dams up through-
out the entire venous system, causing organ congestion and
edema of the dependent extremities. Decreased sodium and
water excretion by the kidneys leads to an increase in ECF vol-
ume with an increase in capillary volume and pressure with
subsequent movement of fluid into the tissue spaces. The
swelling of hands and feet that occurs in healthy persons dur-
ing hot weather results from vasodilation of superficial blood
vessels along with sodium and water retention.
Because of the effects of gravity, edema resulting from in-
creased capillary pressure commonly causes fluid to accumu-
late in the dependent parts of the body, a condition referred
to as dependent edema. For example, edema of the ankles and
feet becomes more pronounced during prolonged periods of
Increased Capillary Filtration Pressure. As the capillary filtra-
tion pressure rises, the movement of vascular fluid into the in-
terstitial spaces increases. Among the factors that increase capil-
lary pressure are: (1) a decrease in the resistance to flow through
the precapillary sphincters; (2) an increase in venous pressure
or resistance to outflow at the postcapillary sphincters, and
(3) capillary distention caused by increased vascular volume.
Edema can be either localized or generalized. The localized
edema that occurs with urticaria ( i.e., hives) or other allergic or
inflammatory conditions results from the release of histamine
and other inflammatory mediators that cause dilation of the
precapillary sphincters and arterioles that supply the swollen
lesions. Thrombophlebitis obstructs venous flow, producing
an elevation of venous pressure and edema of the affected part,
usually one of the lower extremities.
Decreased Capillary Colloidal Osmotic Pressure. Plasma pro-
teins exert the osmotic force needed to pull fluid back into the
capillary from the tissue spaces. The plasma proteins consti-
tute a mixture of proteins, including albumin, globulins, and
fibrinogen. Albumin, the smallest of the plasma proteins,
has a molecular weight of 69,000; globulins have molecular
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