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Tissue Adaptation
and Injury
Cellular Adaptation
Intracellular Accumulations
Cell Injury and Death
Causes of Cell Injury
Injury From Physical Agents
Radiation Injury
Chemical Injury
Injury From Biologic Agents
Injury From Nutritional Imbalances
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
Free Radical Injury
Hypoxic Cell Injury
Impaired Calcium Homeostasis
Reversible Cell Injury and Cell Death
Reversible Cell Injury
Cell Death
lead to atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, metaplasia, and dys-
plasia (Fig. 2-1). Adaptive cellular responses also include in-
tracellular accumulations and storage of products in abnormal
amounts. 1,2
There are numerous molecular mechanisms mediating cel-
lular adaptation, including factors produced by other cells or
by the cells themselves. These mechanisms depend largely on
signals transmitted by chemical messengers that exert their ef-
fects by altering gene function. In general, the genes expressed
in all cells fall into two categories: “housekeeping” genes that
are necessary for normal function of a cell, and genes that de-
termine the differentiating characteristics of a particular cell
type. In many adaptive cellular responses, the expression of the
differentiation genes is altered, whereas that of the housekeep-
ing genes remains unaffected. 1 Thus, a cell is able to change size
or form without compromising its housekeeping function.
Once the stimulus for adaptation is removed, the effect on ex-
pression of the differentiating genes is removed and the cell re-
sumes its previous state of specialized function. Whether adap-
tive cellular changes are normal or abnormal depends on
whether the response was mediated by an appropriate stimu-
lus. Normal adaptive responses occur in response to need and
an appropriate stimulus. After the need has been removed, the
adaptive response ceases.
W hen confronted with stresses that endanger its normal
When confronted with a decrease in work demands or adverse
environmental conditions, most cells are able to revert to a
smaller size and a lower and more efficient level of functioning
that is compatible with survival. This decrease in cell size is
called atrophy. Cell size, particularly in muscle tissue, is related
to workload. As the workload of a cell diminishes, oxygen con-
sumption and protein synthesis decrease. Cells that are atro-
phied reduce their oxygen consumption and other cellular
functions by decreasing the number and size of their organelles
and other structures. There are fewer mitochondria, myofila-
ments, and endoplasmic reticulum structures. When a suffi-
cient number of cells are involved, the entire tissue or muscle
The general causes of atrophy can be grouped into five cat-
egories: (1) disuse, (2) denervation, (3) loss of endocrine
stimulation, (4) inadequate nutrition, and (5) ischemia or a
Cells adapt to changes in the internal environment, just as the
total organism adapts to changes in the external environment.
Cells may adapt by undergoing changes in size, number, and
type. These changes, occurring singly or in combination, may
structure and function, the cell undergoes adaptive
changes that permit survival and maintenance of
function. It is only when the stress is overwhelming or adapta-
tion is ineffective that cell injury and death occur.
Chapter 2: Tissue Adaptation and Injury
Change in cell
size or number
Change in
cell type
Hypertrophy represents an increase in cell size and with it an in-
crease in the amount of functioning tissue mass. It results from
an increased workload imposed on an organ or body part and
is commonly seen in cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue, which
cannot adapt to an increase in workload through mitotic divi-
sion and formation of more cells. Hypertrophy involves an in-
crease in the functional components of the cell that allows it to
achieve equilibrium between demand and functional capacity.
For example, as muscle cells hypertrophy, additional actin and
myosin filaments, cell enzymes, and adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) are synthesized.
Hypertrophy may occur as the result of normal physiologic
or abnormal pathologic conditions. The increase in muscle
mass associated with exercise is an example of physiologic
hypertrophy. Pathologic hypertrophy occurs as the result of
disease conditions and may be adaptive or compensatory. Ex-
amples of adaptive hypertrophy are the thickening of the uri-
nary bladder from long-continued obstruction of urinary out-
flow and the myocardial hypertrophy that results from valvular
heart disease or hypertension. Compensatory hypertrophy is
the enlargement of a remaining organ or tissue after a portion
has been surgically removed or rendered inactive. For instance,
if one kidney is removed, the remaining kidney enlarges to
compensate for the loss.
The precise signal for hypertrophy is unknown. It may be re-
lated to ATP depletion, mechanical forces such as stretching of
the muscle fibers, activation of cell degradation products, or
hormonal factors. 1 Whatever the mechanism, a limit is eventu-
ally reached beyond which further enlargement of the tissue
mass is no longer able to compensate for the increased work
demands. The limiting factors for continued hypertrophy
might be related to limitations in blood flow. For example, in
hypertension the increased workload required to pump blood
against an elevated arterial pressure results in a progressive in-
crease in left ventricular muscle mass (Fig. 2-2).
There has been recent interest in the signaling pathways that
control the arrangement of contractile elements in myocardial
hypertrophy. Research suggests that certain signal molecules
FIGURE 2-1 Adaptive tissue cell responses (large circles) in-
volving a change in number (hyperplasia), cell size (hypertrophy
and atrophy), cell type (metaplasia), or size, shape, and organi-
zation (dysplasia).
decrease in blood flow. Disuse atrophy occurs when there is a
reduction in skeletal muscle use. An extreme example of disuse
atrophy is seen in the muscles of extremities that have been en-
cased in plaster casts. Because atrophy is adaptive and rever-
sible, muscle size is restored after the cast is removed and mus-
cle use is resumed. Denervation atrophy is a form of disuse
atrophy that occurs in the muscles of paralyzed limbs. Lack of
endocrine stimulation produces a form of disuse atrophy. In
women, the loss of estrogen stimulation during menopause re-
sults in atrophic changes in the reproductive organs. With mal-
nutrition and decreased blood flow, cells decrease their size
and energy requirements as a means of survival.
Cells are able to adapt to changes in work demands
or threats to survival by changing their size (atrophy
and hypertrophy), number (hyperplasia), and form
Normal cellular adaptation occurs in response to an
appropriate stimulus and ceases once the need for
adaptation has ceased.
FIGURE 2-2 Myocardial hypertrophy. Cross-section of the
heart in a patient with long-standing hypertension. (From Rubin
E., Farber J.L. [1999]. Pathology [3rd ed., p. 9]. Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
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Unit One: Mechanisms of Disease
can alter gene expression controlling the size and assembly of
the contractile proteins in hypertrophied myocardial cells. For
example, the hypertrophied myocardial cells of well-trained
athletes have proportional increases in width and length. This
is in contrast to the hypertrophy that develops in dilated car-
diomyopathy, in which the hypertrophied cells have a rela-
tively greater increase in length than width. In pressure over-
load, as occurs with hypertension, the hypertrophied cells have
greater width than length. 3 It is anticipated that further eluci-
dation of the signal pathways that determine the adaptive and
nonadaptive features of cardiac hypertrophy will lead to new
targets for treatment.
Metaplasia usually occurs in response to chronic irritation
and inflammation and allows for substitution of cells that are
better able to survive under circumstances in which a more
fragile cell type might succumb. However, the conversion of
cell types never oversteps the boundaries of the primary groups
of tissue ( e.g., one type of epithelial cell may be converted to
another type of epithelial cell, but not to a connective tissue
cell). An example of metaplasia is the adaptive substitution of
stratified squamous epithelial cells for the ciliated columnar
epithelial cells in the trachea and large airways of a habitual
cigarette smoker. A vitamin A deficiency also induces squa-
mous metaplasia of the respiratory tract. Although the squa-
mous epithelium is better able to survive in these situations,
the protective function that the ciliated epithelium provides
for the respiratory tract is lost. In addition, continued exposure
to the influences that cause metaplasia may predispose to can-
cerous transformation of the metaplastic epithelium.
Hyperplasia refers to an increase in the number of cells in an
organ or tissue. It occurs in tissues with cells that are capable of
mitotic division, such as the epidermis, intestinal epithelium,
and glandular tissue. Nerve cells and skeletal and cardiac mus-
cle do not divide and therefore have no capacity for hyper-
plastic growth. There is evidence that hyperplasia involves ac-
tivation of genes controlling cell proliferation and the presence
of intracellular messengers that control cell replication and
growth. As with other normal adaptive cellular responses,
hyperplasia is a controlled process that occurs in response to
an appropriate stimulus and ceases after the stimulus has been
The stimuli that induce hyperplasia may be physiologic or
nonphysiologic. Physiologic hyperplasia can occur as the result
of hormonal stimulation, increased functional demands, or as
a compensatory mechanism. Breast and uterine enlargement
during pregnancy are examples of a physiologic hyperplasia
that results from estrogen stimulation. An increased demand
for parathyroid hormone, as occurs in chronic renal failure, re-
sults in hyperplasia of the parathyroid gland. The regeneration
of the liver that occurs after partial hepatectomy ( i.e., partial re-
moval of the liver) is an example of compensatory hyperplasia.
Hyperplasia is also an important response of connective tissue
in wound healing, during which proliferating fibroblasts and
blood vessels contribute to wound repair. Although hyper-
trophy and hyperplasia are two distinct processes, they may
occur together and are often triggered by the same mechanism. 1
For example, the pregnant uterus undergoes both hypertrophy
and hyperplasia as the result of estrogen stimulation.
Most forms of nonphysiologic hyperplasia are due to exces-
sive hormonal stimulation or the effects of growth factors on
target tissues. 2 Excessive estrogen production can cause endo-
metrial hyperplasia and abnormal menstrual bleeding (see
Chapter 34). Benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is a common
disorder of men older than 50 years of age, is thought to be re-
lated to the synergistic action of estrogen and androgens (see
Chapter 33). Skin warts are an example of hyperplasia caused
by growth factors produced by the human papillomaviruses.
Dysplasia is characterized by deranged cell growth of a specific
tissue that results in cells that vary in size, shape, and appear-
ance. Minor degrees of dysplasia are associated with chronic
irritation or inflammation. The pattern is most frequently en-
countered in metaplastic squamous epithelium of the respira-
tory tract and uterine cervix. Although dysplasia is abnormal, it
is adaptive in that it is potentially reversible after the irritating
cause has been removed. Dysplasia is strongly implicated as a
precursor of cancer. In cancers of the respiratory tract and the
uterine cervix, dysplastic changes have been found adjacent to
the foci of cancerous transformation. Through the use of the
Papanicolaou (Pap) smear, it has been documented that can-
cer of the uterine cervix develops in a series of incremental ep-
ithelial changes ranging from severe dysplasia to invasive can-
cer. However, dysplasia is an adaptive process and as such does
not necessarily lead to cancer. In many cases, the dysplastic
cells revert to their former structure and function.
Intracellular Accumulations
Intracellular accumulations represent buildup of substances
that cells cannot immediately use or dispose of. The substances
may accumulate in the cytoplasm (frequently in the lyso-
somes) or in the nucleus. In some cases the accumulation may
be an abnormal substance that the cell has produced, and in
other cases the cell may be storing exogenous materials or
products of pathologic processes occurring elsewhere in the
body. These substances can be grouped into three categories:
(1) normal body substances, such as lipids, proteins, carbohy-
drates, melanin, and bilirubin, that are present in abnormally
large amounts; (2) abnormal endogenous products, such as
those resulting from inborn errors of metabolism; and (3) ex-
ogenous products, such as environmental agents and pigments
that cannot be broken down by the cell. 2 These substances may
accumulate transiently or permanently, and they may be harm-
less or, in some cases, may be toxic.
The accumulation of normal cellular constituents occurs
when a substance is produced at a rate that exceeds its metab-
olism or removal. An example of this type of process is fatty
changes in the liver caused by intracellular accumulation of
triglycerides. Liver cells normally contain some fat, which is
Metaplasia represents a reversible change in which one adult
cell type (epithelial or mesenchymal) is replaced by another
adult cell type. Metaplasia is thought to involve the repro-
gramming of undifferentiated stem cells that are present in the
tissue undergoing the metaplastic changes.
Chapter 2: Tissue Adaptation and Injury
either oxidized and used for energy or converted to triglyc-
erides. This fat is derived from free fatty acids released from adi-
pose tissue. Abnormal accumulation occurs when the delivery
of free fatty acids to the liver is increased, as in starvation and
diabetes mellitus, or when the intrahepatic metabolism of lipids
is disturbed, as in alcoholism.
Intracellular accumulation can result from genetic disorders
that disrupt the metabolism of selected substances. A normal
enzyme may be replaced with an abnormal one, resulting in
the formation of a substance that cannot be used or eliminated
from the cell, or an enzyme may be missing, so that an inter-
mediate product accumulates in the cell. For example, there are
at least 10 genetic disorders that affect glycogen metabolism,
most of which lead to the accumulation of intracellular glyco-
gen stores. In the most common form of this disorder, von
Gierke’s disease, large amounts of glycogen accumulate in
the liver and kidneys because of a deficiency of the enzyme
glucose-6-phosphatase. Without this enzyme, glycogen cannot
be broken down to form glucose. The disorder leads not only
to an accumulation of glycogen but to a reduction in blood
glucose levels. In Tay-Sachs disease, another genetic disorder,
abnormal glycolipids accumulate in the brain and other tissues,
causing motor and mental deterioration beginning at approxi-
mately 6 months of age, followed by death at 2 to 3 years of
age. In a similar manner, other enzyme defects lead to the
accumulation of other substances.
Pigments are colored substances that may accumulate in
cells. They can be endogenous ( i.e., arising from within the
body) or exogenous ( i.e., arising from outside the body).
Icterus, also called jaundice, is a yellow discoloration of tissue
caused by the retention of bilirubin, an endogenous bile pig-
ment. This condition may result from increased bilirubin pro-
duction from red blood cell destruction, obstruction of bile
passage into the intestine, or toxic diseases that affect the liver’s
ability to remove bilirubin from the blood. Lipofuscin is a
yellow-brown pigment that results from the accumulation of
the indigestible residues produced during normal turnover of
cell structures (Fig. 2-3). The accumulation of lipofuscin increases
with age and is sometimes referred to as the wear-and-tear pig-
ment. It is more common in heart, nerve, and liver cells than
other tissues and is seen most often in conditions associated
with atrophy of an organ.
One of the most common exogenous pigments is carbon in
the form of coal dust. In coal miners or persons exposed to
heavily polluted environments, the accumulation of carbon
dust blackens the lung tissue and may cause serious lung dis-
ease. The formation of a blue lead line along the margins of
the gum is one of the diagnostic features of lead poisoning.
Tattoos are the result of insoluble pigments introduced into
the skin, where they are engulfed by macrophages and persist
for a lifetime.
The significance of intracellular accumulations depends on
the cause and severity of the condition. Many accumulations,
such as lipofuscin and mild fatty change, have no effect on cell
function. Some conditions, such as the hyperbilirubinemia
that causes jaundice, are reversible. Other disorders, such as
glycogen storage diseases, produce accumulations that result
in organ dysfunction and other alterations in physiologic
In summary, cells adapt to changes in their environment
and in their work demands by changing their size, number,
and characteristics. These adaptive changes are consistent
with the needs of the cell and occur in response to an appro-
priate stimulus. The changes are usually reversed after the
stimulus has been withdrawn.
When confronted with a decrease in work demands or ad-
verse environmental conditions, cells atrophy or reduce their
size and revert to a lower and more efficient level of function-
ing. Hypertrophy results from an increase in work demands
and is characterized by an increase in tissue size brought
about by an increase in cell size and functional components in
the cell. An increase in the number of cells in an organ or tis-
sue that is still capable of mitotic division is called hyperplasia .
Metaplasia occurs in response to chronic irritation and repre-
sents the substitution of cells of a type that are better able to
survive under circumstances in which a more fragile cell type
might succumb. Dysplasia is characterized by deranged cell
growth of a specific tissue that results in cells that vary in size,
shape, and appearance. It is a precursor of cancer.
Under some circumstances, cells may accumulate abnor-
mal amounts of various substances. If the accumulation re-
flects a correctable systemic disorder, such as the hyperbiliru-
binemia that causes jaundice, the accumulation is reversible. If
the disorder cannot be corrected, as often occurs in many
inborn errors of metabolism, the cells become overloaded,
causing cell injury and death.
FIGURE 2-3 Accumulation of intracellular lipofuscin. A photo-
micrograph of the liver of an 80-year-old man shows golden cyto-
plasmic granules, which represent lysosomal storage of lipofuscin.
(From Rubin E., Farber J.L. [1999]. Pathology [3rd ed., p. 13].
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
Cells can be injured in many ways. The extent to which any in-
jurious agent can cause cell injury and death depends in large
measure on the intensity and duration of the injury and the
type of cell that is involved. Cell injury is usually reversible to
a certain point, after which irreversible cell injury and death
occur. Whether a specific stress causes irreversible or reversible
cell injury depends on the severity of the insult and on vari-
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Unit One: Mechanisms of Disease
action on blood vessels and through reflex activity of the sym-
pathetic nervous system. The resultant decrease in blood flow
may lead to hypoxic tissue injury, depending on the degree and
duration of cold exposure. Injury from freezing probably re-
sults from a combination of ice crystal formation and vaso-
constriction. The decreased blood flow leads to capillary stasis
and arteriolar and capillary thrombosis.
Cells can be damaged in a number of ways, includ-
ing physical trauma, extremes of temperature, elec-
trical injury, exposure to damaging chemicals, radia-
tion damage, injury from biologic agents, and
nutritional factors.
Electrical Injuries. Electrical injuries can affect the body through
extensive tissue injury and disruption of neural and cardiac im-
pulses. The effect of electricity on the body is mainly deter-
mined by its voltage, the type of current ( i.e., direct or alternat-
ing), its amperage, the resistance of the intervening tissue, the
pathway of the current, and the duration of exposure. 2,4
Lightning and high-voltage wires that carry several thousand
volts produce the most severe damage. 2 Alternating current
(AC) is usually more dangerous than direct current (DC) be-
cause it causes violent muscle contractions, preventing the per-
son from releasing the electrical source and sometimes result-
ing in fractures and dislocations. In electrical injuries, the body
acts as a conductor of the electrical current. The current enters
the body from an electrical source, such as an exposed wire,
and passes through the body and exits to another conductor,
such as the moisture on the ground or a piece of metal the per-
son is holding. The pathway that a current takes is critical be-
cause the electrical energy disrupts impulses in excitable tis-
sues. Current flow through the brain may interrupt impulses
from respiratory centers in the brain stem, and current flow
through the chest may cause fatal cardiac arrhythmias.
The resistance to the flow of current in electrical circuits
transforms electrical energy into heat. This is why the ele-
ments in electrical heating devices are made of highly resistive
metals. Much of the tissue damage produced by electrical in-
juries is caused by heat production in tissues that have the
highest electrical resistance. Resistance to electrical current
varies from the greatest to the least in bone, fat, tendons, skin,
muscles, blood, and nerves. The most severe tissue injury usu-
ally occurs at the skin sites where the current enters and leaves
the body. After electricity has penetrated the skin, it passes
rapidly through the body along the lines of least resistance—
through body fluids and nerves. Degeneration of vessel walls
may occur, and thrombi may form as current flows along the
blood vessels. This can cause extensive muscle and deep tissue
injury. Thick, dry skin is more resistant to the flow of electric-
ity than thin, wet skin. It is generally believed that the greater
the skin resistance, the greater is the amount of local skin
burn, and the less the resistance, the greater are the deep and
systemic effects.
Most injurious agents exert their damaging effects
through uncontrolled free radical production, im-
paired oxygen delivery or utilization, or the destruc-
tive effects of uncontrolled intracellular calcium
Cell injury can be reversible, allowing the cell to re-
cover, or it can be irreversible, causing cell death
and necrosis.
In contrast to necrosis, which results from tissue
injury, apoptosis is a normal physiologic process
designed to remove injured or worn-out cells.
ables such as blood supply, nutritional status, and regenerative
capacity. Cell injury and death are ongoing processes, and in
the healthy state, they are balanced by cell renewal.
Causes of Cell Injury
Cell damage can occur in many ways. For purposes of discus-
sion, the ways by which cells are injured have been grouped
into five categories: (1) injury from physical agents, (2) ra-
diation injury, (3) chemical injury, (4) injury from biologic
agents, and (5) injury from nutritional imbalances.
Injury From Physical Agents
Physical agents responsible for cell and tissue injury include
mechanical forces, extremes of temperature, and electrical
forces. They are common causes of injuries due to environ-
mental exposure, occupational and transportation accidents,
and physical violence and assault.
Mechanical Forces. Injury or trauma caused by mechanical
forces occurs as the result of body impact with another object.
The body or the object can be in motion or, as sometimes hap-
pens, both can be in motion at the time of impact. These types
of injuries split and tear tissue, fracture bones, injure blood ves-
sels, and disrupt blood flow.
Radiation Injury
Electromagnetic radiation comprises a wide spectrum of wave-
propagated energy, ranging from ionizing gamma rays to radio-
frequency waves. A photon is a particle of radiation energy.
Radiation energy above the ultraviolet (UV) range is called
ionizing radiation because the photons have enough energy to
knock electrons off atoms and molecules. Nonionizing radiation
refers to radiation energy at frequencies below that of visible
light. UV radiation represents the portion of the spectrum of
electromagnetic radiation just above the visible range. It con-
tains increasingly energetic rays that are powerful enough to
disrupt intracellular bonds and cause sunburn.
C), such as occurs
with partial-thickness burns and severe heat stroke, causes cell
injury by inducing vascular injury, accelerating cell metabo-
lism, inactivating temperature-sensitive enzymes, and disrupt-
ing the cell membrane. With more intense heat, coagulation of
blood vessels and tissue proteins occurs. Exposure to cold in-
creases blood viscosity and induces vasoconstriction by direct
to 46
Extremes of Temperature. Extremes of heat and cold cause
damage to the cell, its organelles, and its enzyme systems.
Exposure to low-intensity heat (43
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