Mongoose Runequest 1e - Hawkmoon - Granbretan.pdf

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Gareth Hanrahan & Bryan
Publications Manager
Ian Belcher
Introduction 2
The History of Granbretan 6
The Realm of Granbretan 11
The Beast Orders 21
The Lords of Granbretan 43
Interior Illustrations
Leonardo Borazio, Martin Hanford,
Iordanis Lazaridis, Javier Charro
Martinez, Regis Moulun, Sean
Parnell, & Chad Sergesketter
Richard Ford
Cover Art
Chris Quilliams
Scientifi c Sorcery
Creatures and Foes
Sean Brown, Tina Cook, Cindy
Freeman, Craige Freeman, Brian
Gellinault, Paul Palmer, Robert Poulin
Mass Combat
Cover Design
Iordanis Lazaridis
The Course of the War
Hunters of Granbretan
Ron Bedison & Scribendi
A Dark Night in Karlye
Production Director
Alexander Fennell
Bloody Streets
No Way Out
RuneQuest Logo
Anne Stokes
Special Thanks
Michael Moorcock
When Destiny Calls
Characters and Beasts
Copyright Information
Hawkmoon - Granbretan ©2007 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of of this work by any means
without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. All art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose
Publishing. All signifi cant characters, names, places and items featured in Hawkmoon - Granbretan the distinctive likenesses
thereof and related elements are trademarks of Michael Moorcock and Multiverse Inc.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written
permission. To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United Kingdom. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity
to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
RuneQuest is a trademark (TM) of Issaries, Inc. Produced under license from Issaries. All rights reserved. Printed in the UK.
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From Tozer’s unfinished and suppressed play, The
Mirror of Nature:
WOLF: Never! Granbretan’s conquest shall never cease
until all the world’s beneath our heel.
BULL: But… is the world not round, and thusly, there’s
no top from which to crush?
WOLF: Shut that fool up.
GOAT: His roaring offends the ear.
SERPENT: Aye. Our sorcery-science proved the world
is shaped very like a map, with ‘to be conquered’ writ in
mountains across Asiacommunista.
WOLF: I’ll conquer all the east in a day and Amarekh by
Tuesday week!
GOAT: And what of Darkest Afric, and Turkia and
WOLF: They’ll all be mine – I mean ours, by which I
mean his.
BULL: Whose?
WOLF: Why, the King, of course. Hush now, we approach
his awesome sphere.
To The King: Oh mighty King-Emperor, the
Lords of LilBretan would speak to you.
GOAT: Look, he sleeps.
SERPENT: Like a little infant, curled up in the mother’s
BULL: Aye. It warms the heart and makes me want to
kick pregnant women in the belly.
GOAT: What doesn’t make you want to do that?
BULL: Getting them with child in the fi rst place! Haw!
WOLF: Be quiet, fool! Don’t speak of such things in
front of the King! Don’t you know he hasn’t gotten any
since the dark of time?
SERPENT: You’ve woken him and he’ll be wrathful. I’ll
not wait.
Dramatis Personae:
The KING, swimming in his royal throne-globe. A merry
fellow, quick to laugh;
A WOLF, ambitious and cunning, with a fi ne beard;
A GOAT, a little cranky, who is also Archduke of
A BULL, as witty as he is handsome;
A DRAGON, but newly hatched from an EGG;
A SERPENT, nocturnal by nature;
A HERON in search of entertainment;
TICK-TOCK, a Fool wearing a Clock for a Mask;
A CYNIC, wearing his Face on his Face and his Heart
on his Sleeve;
A MAD MUSCOVITE, Risen from the Dead for Comedic
HAWKMOON, a Phantom Born Of Too Much Cheese;
A SLAVE, servant of the HERON, and he could be any
man, or woman either, and gods know many of us have
wished ourselves in his position;
Sundry GUARDS and BRAVE WARRIORS, every man-
jack of them a prince among men and lord of the earth,
courageous and bold and never shirking, disciplined as
iron and strong as steel;
A Full Chorus of Slaves, Maskless, Wretches, Courtiers
and Damned Souls
A NARRATOR who should have more sense.
Scene 1: The Throne Room of the King. Discover KING,
stage left. Enter WOLF, GOAT, BULL and SERPENT.
The SERPENT carries the EGG. They walk to the King.
It is suggested that the audience go to the lobby and buy
refreshments as the characters cross the stage, which
should be a mile wide to fully convey the grandeur of the
KING’s hall.
The SERPENT leaves the EGG on stage and exits through
a trapdoor. Noxious fumes and the crying of the damned
are heard.
KING: What? Who? Where? Are those my feet?
GOAT: Nah, lord. Your feet atrophied before the Tragic
Millennium was done.
KING: I liked my feet. Ah well, no matter. Report, my
lords. How goes our war in Europe?
WOLF: It’s done.
KING: What, already?
GOAT: My legs ache. My lords, let’s stop and rest
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GOAT: The last cleaning expedition set
out seventeen months ago, sire, and has
not yet reported back.
KING: Bah! You’re saying my throne
room hasn’t been cleaned in two years?
GOAT: No, my lord, two hundred years.
And with all the weekly orgies, sire, this
room’s gone rather rank.
KING: Bah! Send the madman to his
wife, that’ll fi nish him for sure. And have
the Serpent fi nd some way to clean up
this ordure.
GOAT: Verily, it shall be so my lord.
KING: Anything else to report from
WOLF: The roads from Karlye to Istanbul are paved with
skulls and signposted with crucifi xes and all the distances
are now marked in miles, not kilometres.
KING: What of Espanyia?
WOLF: The Serpent’s plagues were most effi cacious,
majesty. All of Espanyia’s a charnel fi eld.
KING: Start building holiday homes there immediately.
What of Muskovia?
BULL: Er, was I supposed to conquer that?
WOLF: You were! Did you not heed my cunning plan?
BULL: I thought the Muscovite would do it.
WOLF: He’s dead!
Enter HAWKMOON, who is visible only
to the WOLF
HAWKMOON: Ich bin ze Duke von Köln, the dastardly
ally of that mad genius, Count Brass! I live in an invisible
castle und I tweak ze moustachios of ze Wolf in every
battle from the Kamarg to Hamadan! Ho ho ho! And
though I am but vun mench, mit my hairy-dwarf wife,
I am still ze greatest threat to Granbretan! I will invade
Londra with an army of feral fl amingos!
WOLF: Hawkmoon yet lives! By the Runestaff, I’ll
have yet another revenge upon him! The Kamarg, all
fourteen marshy square feet of it, is the greatest threat
to our continent-spanning thousand year empire! Why,
they have at least a dozen soldiers, and a fl amingo and
a giant militant corkscrew! My King, I demand that we
immediately send a million men to fi nd Castle Brass!
HAWKMOON: Did you send me there in the fi rst place?
Look how well that turned out…
Exit Hawkmoon on a rope from on high.
WOLF: Rragh!
GOAT: Look, the egg hatcheth.
The EGG cracks, and a DRAGON emerges.
DRAGON: Ho! I seek conquests and glories!
WOLF: We’ve conquered all of Europe already and I
bagsied Asiacommunista.
GOAT: You can have Amarekh.
DRAGON: Nay, I fear death by water. I’ll fi nd amusements
Exit the DRAGON.
MAD MUSCOVITE: Dead! Dead! Death to Life!
TICK-TOCK: Behold! I resurrect the dead! I am the Lord
of Time!
WOLF: Could you not resurrect someone useful?
TICK-TOCK: Why, with all of Europe conquered and
Asia lying defenceless, I thought we’d need a challenge.
Thusly, I brought back a moron who’s more trouble than
he’s worth.
WOLF: Well, kill him once more.
MAD MUSCOVITE: Death to Life! Black to white!
Murder to kittens! We’ll cross the Black Sea by fi lling it
with corpses!
TICK-TOCK: I lack the will.
BULL: I’ll do it. Pass me yon axe.
GOAT: You can’t kill people in front of the King.
KING: You can’t?
KING: My wolf, attend to the conquest of the East. My
good goat, attend to the cleaning. My lord bull…
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The BULL kneels.
BULL: Command me, King of the World.
KING: Give me but a moment.
BULL: A million lifetimes are yours, oh most terrible
KING: Good point. Wait there.
Exeunt Omnes, save the BULL, who waits patiently,
kneeling, for a time.
TICK-TOCK ( offstage): And thus, ten thousand years
MAD MUSCOVITE: Look, they stuck all my bits back
on! Hardly any rotted!
HERON: Well, no more than was rotted before. I suppose
you want to ravish me then!
MAD MUSCOVITE: Lie back and think of Granbretan,
my love.
HERON: aside Where is that cursed slave?
aloud Wait, who’s that I hear approaching?
Enter the DRAGON, stage right.
DRAGON: It is I, the Dragon! Young and full of pep and
fi re.
HERON: My, that is indeed a fi ne worm.
MAD MUSCOVITE: She’s mine! Be gone, or I shall call
you by strange insulting names from my homeland.
HERON: We could share?
MAD MUSCOVITE: Never! Death to Life!
Enter a SLAVE.
HERON: to the DRAGON: Be with you in a moment.
DRAGON: You should know this is my fi rst time. I’m
less than ten minutes old, after all.
The HERON takes the lipstick from the SLAVE and
applies it to her beak.
HERON: Kiss me, you fool.
TICK-TOCK ( offstage): I’m coming, hold on!
HERON: Not you. My husband!
CHORUS ( offstage ): Which one? You’ll have to be more
specifi c!
MAD MUSCOVITE: Oh venomous glasnost! Too late
I (standing in for my homeland of Muskovia) learn the
truth of Granbretan. He dies.
DRAGON: Have I come at a bad time?
They embrace.
DRAGON: I’ve come at a bad time.
Scene 2: Another room in the castle. Enter a HERON,
stage left. She is dressed in the greatest of fi nery, silken
garments from the east, jewels most rare and precious,
gold and gilt and silver and all manner of treasures.
Immediately upon entering, she casts them off and walks
naked save for a mask to centre stage. A SLAVE follows
HERON: Oh, fie upon this dull life. I desire
SLAVE: The sexual gymnasts?
HERON: Done them.
SLAVE: The mutant horses?
HERON: Ridden them.
SLAVE: Perhaps –
HERON: Both ways.
SLAVE: The Serpent’s excessive machine?
HERON: Broke it.
Enter a MESSENGER, stage right.
HERON: Done him.
MESSENGER: Milady, I bring joyous news. Your
husband lives!
HERON: You’ll have to be more specifi c.
MESSENGER: About what?
HERON: Well, which husband, fi rstly… and how exactly
it’s joyous.
Enter a MAD MUSCOVITE, stage right, who lops the
head off the MESSENGER.
MAD MUSCOVITE: Honey, I’m home! Da!
HERON: Did you not conveniently die in France, leaving
me control of your legion of elite warriors?
MAD MUSCOVITE: Death to Life! Murder to Birth!
Fire to Ice! Roast to Chickens!
HERON to the SLAVE: Slave, fetch me my poisoned
SLAVE: Which one?
HERON to the SLAVE: I’m in a burgundy mood today.
Exit slave, stage left. The MAD MUSCOVITE casts off his
armour and stands naked on stage, save for his chicken
Scene 3: The dungeon of the Serpent. Discover the
SERPENT, with a chorus of moaning SLAVES and
buzzing machines.
SERPENT: Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble, I’ll blow
Europe into rubble!
Enter a GOAT
GOAT: Hail, Baron!
SERPENT: To the weather control machine! I’ll make it
hail icebergs over Basinstoke!
GOAT: No, I mean, hello Baron.
SERPENT: Hell, O Baron? It shall be so! I’ll tear open
the walls of reality and open a gateway to Hell itself!
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