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Secrets of Speed Seduction, Home Study Course Book and Workbook:
Secrets of Speed Seduction, Home Study
Course Book and Workbook:
How To Create An Instantaneous Sexual
Attraction in Any Woman You Meet!!!
COPYRIGHT 1994, Ross Jeffries.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in
any form or any means without written permission from the
Published in the USA.
For more information or free catalog, contact:
Ross Jeffries
6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275
Culver City, CA 90230
Neither the author, nor the publisher of this book take any
responsibility for the use or misuse of the information it
presents. The reader is warned that this material presents
extremely powerful technology, to be used at the readers own
risk. This book is presented for information and entertainment
purposes only.
Be warned, therefore, that this book neither asserts the
legality of any of the methods it describes, and the author
unequivocally disclaims any responsibility for damages resulting
from the use of any of the techniques or the consequences of
implementing any contained herein.
"Give me five minutes to talk away my face, and I'll bed the
Queen of France." ... Voltaire
"I come to you with only words,
Looks and money I have none,
But should desire require it,
My words will bear me out!" ... Speed Seducer's Creed
One of the toughest realities we have to face as men is, that
for the most of us, getting laid is a form of gambling, and the
game is strongly rigged against us.
Think back to the last time you had a date. C'mon ... it wasn't
that long ago, was it?
Didn't you find yourself, either before or during the evening,
wondering things like, "When should I make my move? Am I going
to get some tonight? Will I get lucky? ".
And that's the bottom line ... for too many of us, dealing with
women is a matter of luck, meaning it is something which is out
of our control.
But hold on a second. What if you could design your own "game of
chance" where YOU get to set the rules? What if you could play a
poker game where you get to pick the cards you're dealt, you get
to see her hand before you bet, and you get to borrow money from
her to bet against her?
You'd play that game 24 hours per day , that's what.
And that is what Speed Seduction does: it puts you back in
control by teaching you how to create, on a repeatable,
predictable basis, the kind of results you want with the kind of
women you want, where and when you want it.
Does this sound like an outrageous claim? I certainly hope so;
it goes against the beliefs of our entire culture ; a culture
that teaches you that "attraction" can't be created, that it
just has to be a matter of "chemistry", that is either there or
it isn't.
By the time you're done with this book, or the home study course
of which it is a part, you'll be thoroughly convinced that our
entire culture is totally full of shit . Even more important
you'll be able to use this knowledge to give you an incredible
edge over 99% of the population, not only when it comes to
getting laid, but in every area of your life.
This book is designed as a WORKBOOK, to be used as part of my
entire Speed Seduction Home Study Course. This means two things:
1. It's not designed to be passively read. You have to
actively participate.
2. If you didn't acquire it as part of the entire course,
which includes about 12 hours of audio tapes, among other
things, you should seriously consider doing it.
One thing more. This book is divided in two sections: theory and
practical application. If you want to jump ahead to the
practical application section, go ahead, feel free. Just make
sure that later you go back and get the theory stuff down; you
should understand what you're doing if you really want to get
excellent at this stuff.
Ross Jeffries
Los Angeles, California
June, 1994
Ok. Here is the first key secret to understanding, not only
Speed Seduction, but any form of influence or persuasion, in any
area of life:
There's no such "thing" as love. There's no such "thing" as
passion. There's no such "thing" as attraction, or chemistry, or
I know, I know, you're saying. That's the problem ... for most
of you, most of the time, there's no such thing . There's just
boredom, frustration, and playing with Mr. Winky.
But that's not what I'm talking about, so pay close attention.
I'm not saying that people don't experience states of
"attraction" or "chemistry" or "lust". What I am saying is that
these states are processes that take place inside the human mind
and body . Which means that they are states that ...
Here's An Example: "Falling in Love" Exposed!!!!
Ok. Since I'm being pretty general and theoretical here let's
get a bit more specific and talk about what every woman dreams
about: falling in love.
Now, based on what I've said so far, do you think I believe
"love" is based on some mysterious "chemistry" that flows
between two people? Maybe it's caused by a butt-naked little
angel named Cupid who shoots an arrow into your ass?
No, Here's how people fall in love: First, understand you do NOT
fall in love with someone when you are in their presence. No.
You fall in love when you're off by yourself, thinking about
them afterwards . This is why it is so hypnotically powerful,
because you are doing it to yourself , and people are always
their best hypnotists.
Here's how it happens: you go out with someone, maybe even one
date. And then you go home, and you're lying there, thinking
about them. And, you form an image of them in your mind. And as
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