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Volume 296
Cell Cycle
Mechanisms and Protocols
Edited by
Tim Humphrey
Gavin Brooks
Cell Cycle
Mechanisms and Protocols
Edited by
Tim Humphrey
Gavin Brooks
The Budding and Fission Yeasts
Cell Cycle Molecules and Mechanisms of the Budding
and Fission Yeasts
Tim Humphrey and Amanda Pearce
The cell cycles of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the fission yeast,
Schizosaccharomyces pombe are currently the best understood of all eukaryotes. Studies in
these two evolutionarily divergent organisms have identified common control mechanisms,
which have provided paradigms for our understanding of the eukaryotic cell cycle. This
chapter provides an overview of our current knowledge of the molecules and mechanisms
that regulate the mitotic cell cycle in these two yeasts.
Key Words
Cell cycle; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; Schizosaccharomyces pombe ; fission yeast; bud-
ding yeast; review.
1. Introduction
The eukaryotic cell cycle can be considered as two distinct events, DNA replication
(S-phase) and mitosis (M-phase), separated temporally by gaps known as G 1 and G 2 .
These events must be regulated to ensure that they occur in the correct order with
respect to each other and that they occur only once per cell cycle. Moreover, these
discontinuous events must be coordinated with continuous events such as cell growth,
in order to maintain normal cell size (reviewed in ref. 1 ). Significant advances in
understanding such cell cycle controls have arisen from the study of these yeasts. The
use of yeast as a model system for studying the cell cycle provides a number of advan-
tages: yeasts are single-celled, rapidly dividing eukaryotes that can exist in the haploid
form. Thus yeast are readily amenable to powerful genetic analyses, and molecular
tools are available (reviewed in refs. 2 and 3 ). Although both yeasts are evolutionarily
divergent (4) , common mechanisms control their cell cycles that are conserved
throughout eukaryotes (reviewed in refs. 5 and 6 ). Moreover, following the sequenc-
ing of both yeast genomes (7 , 8) , systematic genetic analyses together with reverse
From: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 296, Cell Cycle Control: Mechanisms and Protocols
Edited by: T. Humphrey and G. Brooks © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
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Humphrey and Pearce
genetics are beginning to provide global insights into the cell cycle control of these
model organisms, and hence all eukaryotes.
2. Yeast Life Cycles
S. cerevisiae proliferates by budding, during which organelles, and ultimately a
copy of the genome, are deposited into a daughter bud, which grows out of the mother
cell. The bud grows to a minimal size and after receiving a full complement of chro-
mosomes pinches off from the mother cell in a process called cytokinesis. Budding
yeast can exist in a haploid (16 chromosomes) or diploid (32 chromosomes) state (re-
viewed in ref. 9 ).
In contrast, S. pombe grows by medial fission, whereby newly born daughter cells
grow from the tips of their cylindrical rod shape by a process known as new-end take-
off. Once a mature length is reached, the cell ceases growth and produces a septum
that bisects the mother cell into two daughter cells. Fission yeasts exist naturally in a
haploid form (one set of three chromosomes), limiting the diploid phase to the zygotic
nucleus, which enters meiosis immediately (reviewed in ref. 10 ).
Conditions of nitrogen starvation have the same consequences for both yeasts and
may result in several developmental fates. If the culture contains cells of a single mat-
ing type, then the cell cycle will arrest in stationary phase in G 1 and enter G 0 . How-
ever, if the opposite mating type is also available, pheromone production will result in
conjugation to form diploid cells, which will undergo meiosis and form spores. Bud-
ding yeasts are distinct from fission yeasts in that they can arrest in G 1 in the absence
of nitrogen starvation and may exist as diploids in the mitotic cell cycle (reviewed in
refs. 9 and 10 ).
3. The Mitotic Cell Cycle of Yeasts
3.1. Budding Yeast
In budding yeast, a point exists in mid-G1 after which the cell becomes committed
to the mitotic cell cycle. This point is commonly referred to as Start (11) . Start plays
an important role in coordinating division with growth. Growth is rate-limiting for the
cell cycle, and if a critical size requirement is not reached, cells cannot progress
through Start. Prior to Start (in early G 1 ), cells can respond to the environment. If
nutrients are plentiful, they can proceed into the next cell cycle; however, if nutrients
are limiting, they can make the decision to enter stationary phase or meiosis. In addi-
tion, passage through Start may be inhibited by mating factors from other yeasts; hence
if two haploid yeast of the opposite mating types detect each other’s pheromones, then
they will “schmoo” toward one another, mate and form a diploid. Having passed Start,
cells are programmed to complete the cell cycle irrespective of the nutrient state or
exposure to pheromones.
Entry into mitosis is classically defined by three physiological events in eukary-
otes: the formation of the mitotic spindle, breakdown of the nuclear membrane and
chromosomal condensation. Both yeasts undergo what is termed a closed mitosis, in
which the mitotic nuclear membrane, remains intact. In addition, S. cerevisiae is dis-
tinct from other eukaryotic cells in that the mitotic spindle begins to form during early
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The Budding and Fission Yeasts
S-phase. Thus S. cerevisiae does not have a clear landmark event distinguishing the G 2
and M-phase, and thus the G 2 /M transition is difficult to define in this organism (re-
viewed in ref. 12 ).
3.2. Fission Yeast
In fission yeast the G 1 and S-phases are relatively short (each accounting for 10%
of the time it takes to complete the cell cycle), whereas G 2 is considerably longer (70%
of the time is spent in this phase, in which most growth occurs; reviewed in ref. 10 ).
Again, a critical Start point exists, and passage through this point is dependent on the
prior completion of mitosis in the previous cell cycle and on the cell reaching a critical
minimal size (13) . Following spore germination or nutrient starvation, when cells are
unusually small, a period of growth before Start is required such that a critical size is
obtained. However, under nonlimiting conditions, cells have already achieved a mini-
mal size requirement for passage through G 1 . Consequently, G 1 is usually cryptic in
logarithmically dividing cultures of S. pombe , and S-phase directly follows comple-
tion of nuclear division, resulting in cells that are already in G 2 at the time of cell
separation (14) .
The G 2 /M transition is the major control point in the cell cycle of fission yeast and
determines the timing of entry into mitosis (as opposed to S. cerevisiae , in which Start
in G 1 is the major control point). Entry into mitosis is dependent on the cell having
previously completed S-phase; on repairing any DNA damage; and on reaching a criti-
cal size. Cells coordinate size such that if G 2 is shortened, G 1 will be lengthened and
vice versa (reviewed in ref. 10 ).
4. Cell Cycle Molecules
4.1. cdc Mutants
Much of what we know about the cell cycle was discovered through the isolation of
temperature sensitive ( ts ), cell division cycle ( cdc ) mutants. In 1970 Hartwell et al.
(15) discovered that a number of these ts mutants, upon shifting to the restrictive tem-
perature, arrested the cell population with the same morphology, suggesting that the
mutant product was required only at a specific point in the cell cycle. Approximately
60 different cdc mutants have been isolated in budding yeast, and approx 30 have been
isolated in fission yeasts. In addition to cdc genes, a large number of new cell cycle
genes have been identified on the basis of interactions with preexisting cell cycle genes
(reviewed in refs. 10 and 12 ).
4.2. Cyclin-Dependent Kinases
A highly conserved class of molecules termed the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
plays a central role in coordinating the cell cycles of all eukaryotes. In both fission and
budding yeasts, the cell cycle is controlled both at the G 1 /S transition and the G 2 /M
transition by a single highly conserved CDK, encoded by the CDC28 and cdc2 + genes
of S. cerevisiae and S. pombe , respectively. In budding yeast, ts mutations in CDC28
allowed the definition of Start. The cdc28ts mutant blocked budding and cell cycle
progression at a point in the G 1 -phase at which cells could still enter the sexual cycle
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Humphrey and Pearce
instead of proceeding with the mitotic cycle. From this work, Start could be defined
genetically as the point in the cell cycle at which budding, DNA replication, and spindle
pole body (SPB) duplication become insensitive to loss of Cdc28 function (11) .
In fission yeasts, different mutations in cdc2 + result in the cells either elongating
(16) or conversely becoming smaller (17) , a phenotype suggesting that Cdc2 might
function in the timing of division. CDC28 and cdc2 + share 63% identity, and both are
required for passage through Start as well as mitosis. Indeed, these genes are con-
served, with the human CDC2 gene displaying the same properties, demonstrating
conservation of essential features of the cell cycle in all eukaryotes (6) .
Active CDKs generally phosphorylate serine or threonine residues that are followed
by a proline and a consensus sequence of K/R, S/T, P, X, K/R (reviewed in ref. 12 ).
Although many CDK targets have been identified, a comprehensive analysis of CDK
targets remains an important goal.
4.3. Cyclins
All CDKs require positive regulatory partners for activity, known as cyclins (1) ,
which additionally impart CDK substrate specificity. Cyclins were identified as pro-
teins that oscillated in abundance through the cell cycle in rapidly cleaving early
embryonic cells (18) . Not all cyclins show this cell cycle-dependent pattern of synthe-
sis and degradation. However, all cyclins share homology over a domain called the
cyclin box , a region required for binding and activation of CDKs. In S. cerevisiae , a
number of cyclins have been identified that associate with Cdc28: G1 cyclins (Cln1,
Cln2, and Cln3), S-phase cyclins (Clb5 and Clb6), and G 2 cyclins (Clb1–4. Clb1–6)
are all B-type cyclins (19) . S. pombe cyclins include Puc1 (a G 1 cyclin), three B-type
cyclins (Cig1 and Cig2; S-phase cyclins), and Cdc13 (a G 2 cyclin) (reviewed in ref.
20 ). Cyclins bind to Cdc28/Cdc2, forming an active complex, which is associated with
histone H1 kinase activity. In order to bind, cyclins recognize a binding motif present
on CDKs known as the PSTAIR motif (corresponding to the conserved amino acids
within this domain). Cyclins accumulate at specific times during the cell cycle, lead-
ing to overlapping activation of different CDK/cyclin complexes, which in turn regu-
late the cell cycle (reviewed in refs. 10 and 12 ).
5. Regulation of the Yeast CDK/Cyclin Complex
The activity of the CDK/cyclin complex is key to cell cycle progression and can be
considered the cell cycle “engine” (1) . Thus CDK/cyclin complexes are subject to a
high degree of regulation through a number of posttranslational mechanisms includ-
ing phosphorylation, inhibition by cyclin-kinase inhibitors, destruction of cyclins, and
destruction of the inhibitors at the appropriate time in the cell cycle. These mecha-
nisms ensure that the cell cycle progresses in an orderly fashion. In addition, the peri-
odic activity of particular CDK/cyclin complexes is achieved through feedback loops
within the cell cycle: In G 1 /S, G 1 cyclins activate the Clb cyclins, which then turn off
the G 1 cyclins. Similarly, in mitosis, the mitotic cyclins promote spindle formation
and turn on the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), or cyclosome, which then de-
grades the mitotic cyclins needed for the first step. The molecular basis of these regu-
latory events in yeast is described below in Subheadings 5.1.–5.3. ( see also Fig. 1 ).
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