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(^Michel de ^Montaigne
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Translated with an Introduction by
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This translation first published in Penguin Classics ly.SX
Reprinted in Penguin Books 1993
Copyright •<'• J. M. Cohen. I l )5,S
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Michel Byquem, Seigneur de Montaigne, was born in 1533, the son
and heir of Pierre, Seigneur de Montaigne (two previous children
dying soon after birth). He was brought up to speak Latin as his
mother tongue and always retained a Latin turn of mind; though he
knew Greek, he preferred to use translations. After studying law he
eventually became counsellor to the Parlement of Bordeaux. He married
in 1565. After following the royal court in Paris and Rouen, he retired
in 1571 to his lands at Montaigne, devoting himself to reading and
reflection and to composing his Essais (1580). He loathed the fanati-
cism and cruelties of the religious wars of the period, but sided with
Catholic orthodoxy and legitimate monarchy. He was twice elected
Mayor of Bordeaux (1581 and 1583) a post he held for four years. He
died at Montaigne (1592) while preparing another edition of his Essais.
J. M. Cohen, born in London in 1903 and a Cambridge graduate, was
the translator of many volumes for the Penguin Classics, including
versions ol Cervantes, Rabelais and Montaigne. For some years he
assisted P.. V. Rieu in editing the Penguin Classics. He collected the
three books of Comic and Curious Verse and anthologies of Latin
American and Cuban writing. VC ith his son Mark Cohen he also edited
the Penguin Dictionary of Quotations and the two editions of its com-
panion Dictionary of Modern Quotations. He frequently visited Spain and
made several visits to Mexico, Cuba and other Spanish American coun-
tries. J. M. Cohen died in 19K9.
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