Criminology for Dummies (ISBN - 0470396962).pdf

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M a k i n g E ve r y t h i n g E a s i e r !
Learn to:
Understand the sociological,
environmental, and psychological causes
of criminal behavior
Appreciate the techniques law
enforcement officers use to investigate
Consider the methods that have been
developed to solve and punish crime
Measure crime and identify the
important points of criminal theory
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by Steven Briggs
with Joan Friedman
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Criminology For Dummies ®
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ISBN: 978-0-470-39696-4
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About the Author
steven briggs has spent most of his legal career as a criminal prosecutor,
working at the local, state, and federal levels. He has handled cases from
petty theft to organized crime and capital murder. Several of his cases have
been broadcast on national TV and have become the subjects of true crime
books. Mr. Briggs also oversaw his state’s criminal division, where he man-
aged the organized crime, inancial crime, and criminal intelligence units, as
well as the state anti-terrorism and crime victim’s programs. In addition, Mr.
Briggs managed his state’s district attorney assistance prosecution unit and
special agents unit, which targeted complex crime, including Internet preda-
tors, social security fraud, and narcotics trafickers. An accomplished trainer,
Mr. Briggs has regularly instructed state, national, and international audiences
on a variety of criminal justice topics. A graduate of Dartmouth College and
the University of Oregon School of Law, Mr. Briggs was a college football
coach before pursuing his legal career.
For Marla and Elena.
Author’s Acknowledgments
I would like to give a big thanks to my agent, Barbara Doyen, as well as
Development Editor Joan Friedman for their excellent work and guidance in
preparing this book. Technical Editor Ken Rueben was, as always, a great
resource and friend. Internationally recognized juvenile justice expert David
Koch was very gracious with his time, as was Cynthia Stinson, the most
knowledgeable person I know on the topic of crime victim services. Copy
Editor Amanda Gillum and Project Editor Natalie Faye Harris worked very
hard on improving this book’s readability. I must also acknowledge the
lingering inluence of Blinker Black and all his fraters. Finally, I would like to
thank the men and women of the criminal division, who were not only the
source of many great examples in this book, but whose sacriice of personal
interest in the pursuit of justice has been a constant inspiration to me.
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