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Reign of Discordia
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Design: Darrin L. Drader
Conversion: Darrin Drader and Joshua Cole
Starship Conversion: Andrew Hames, Alan Welty and
Andrew Bacon
Playtesting: John Hinz, Andrew Bacon, Kerry Schell,
Barrie Robison, Robert Morris, Alex Friedrich
Editing: Colin Dunn,Darrin Drader
Special Thanks : Shayne Vacher
Layout & Graphic Design : Will Chapman
Dedication : To Gary Gygax, the father of roleplaying
games, illuminator of millions of imaginations. Without
him this book would never have been possible and the
lives of many of us would be much less wondrous. R.I.P.
Major Worlds
Character Options
Politics & Organisations
Running Reign of Discordia
Rovers Beacon
Sample Adventure: Virus
Legal Notices
Traveller ” and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned
by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used according
to the terms of the Traveller Logo Licence version 1.0c.
A copy of this licence can be obtained from Mongoose
Publishing. The mention or reference to any company or
product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark
or copyright concerned.
Open Game Content: All rules elements contained in
this book.
Designation of Product Identity: All proper names
of individuals, places, and things, including the setting
name Reign of Discordia .
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By Darrin Drader
In 2004, I had an idea for a new roleplaying game
product line. I’ve been a fan of science fiction from the
time I was a very young child, which is really not that
surprising, given all of the space opera themed science
fiction that was floating around in the late 1970s. There
was obviously one movie in particular that was released
in 1977 that was so remarkable that it would forever
define the standard of what I was looking for in a good
science fiction. In addition to that, there were a couple of
live-action TV series and at least one ongoing animated
space opera series that I couldn’t get enough of. As a
child, when I wasn’t in grade school being forced to
learn the mundane things like addition and subtraction
and how to read, my friends and I were on the
playground, or in their backyards, or in my apple tree…
shooting down enemy spaceships, or delivering an
enormous explosive to an incoming battlestation before
it destroyed our home planet. Ah to be young again.
have any notion of what the distances are between
galaxies, you would know that this was absolutely
ludicrous! It’s clear to me that in so many cases the
writers and producers were more concerned with
appealing to uneducated kids who liked the wahoo
elements of space opera than they were interested in
getting it right. I mean how hard would it be to open
up a reference book to learn a few things about the
realities of space? Granted, the internet didn’t exist
back then and the public education system wasn’t
overly concerned with making sure that kids our age
knew the difference between a comet and a meteor, but
they could have at least put forth a little bit of effort!
And so there I was in 2004, remembering how much
I used to love these absolutely flawed space opera
shows because of the stories, the visual elements,
and yes, the flashy wahoo parts. As someone who had
designed several roleplaying game products, I knew
that roleplaying could stimulate the same parts of the
brain that a good science fiction show could. It was all
about the imagination. Yes, there are several science
fiction games and settings on the market, but to me
they all lacked a certain something that I couldn’t put
my finger on. The more I thought about it, the more I
realized that while mass- marketed science fiction had
become more technically correct over time, it had also
become a lot more safe. The characters no longer felt
like space cowboys and the storylines rarely included
plots where the bad guys were really bad and the
good guys were undeniably good. Worlds were more
As I grew older I found that many of those shows that
I loved so much as a child didn’t age very well. While
the characters were as compelling as ever, the writing
was riddled with blatant scientific errors. Often times
the script writers obviously couldn’t tell the difference
between a planet, an asteroid, a solar system, and a
galaxy. I can think of one show in particular where they
made a big deal about the fact that they were entering
a new galaxy and yet it was a huge deal for them to get
the fleet up to light speed. Yes, light speed. Not faster
than light speed, not hyperspace… light speed. If you
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often threatened with diplomatic disputes than they
were with superior technology in the hands of an
enemy bent on destroying it and everyone who lived
there. In short, most science fiction had become a bit
bland, though far more accurate from a technical point
of view.
space stations, domed cities, orbital mining platforms,
and homicidal lizard people bent on the destruction of
all life as we know it…. Reign of Discordia was written
for that inner five year old that lives within each of us,
but it was made to also appeal to the adult in all of us
who wants complexity and detail.
So I wanted to write a game setting that would inject the
excitement and the adventure back into space opera,
but I wanted to do so in a way that not only embraced
factual science, but actually showcased it. I wanted a
setting where you needed special technology to fly
into the atmosphere of a gas giant to keep from getting
crushed, and you certainly couldn’t breathe outside
of the ship unless you were breathing your own air
reserve since the atmosphere would be completely
toxic. I wanted habitable planets to not all be these
perfect worlds like Earth; sometimes they would be a
little too hot, a little too cold, or a little too large. Maybe
the gravity was a little higher than Earth standard, or
maybe water wasn’t in abundance. This is not to say that
someone with a degree in astronomy wouldn’t be able
to poke a few holes in the setting. It’s still supposed to
be fun, right? The main thing I wanted was a science
fiction universe where the errors weren’t so glaring
that me, a guy who has taken a few science courses and
regularly watches documentaries on space, wouldn’t
find glaring problems that a simple consultation with an
encyclopedia could fix.
Reign of Discordia was originally released as a PDF
for another rules system, and it immediately became
a huge seller within the category. So why are we now
doing a Traveller version? Because Traveller is possibly
the best science fiction roleplaying game system ever
designed, and because the more we thought about
it, the more we saw ways that the system would bring
something new to the Reign of Discordia universe while
the universe could bring something new to Traveller.
This means that if you’re a veteran player of the
Traveller system, some of the assumptions that you’ve
always held may work differently in this setting. We
try to present this as a setting that gives you a vehicle
with which to create new and compelling stories while
adding to the tools that you have at your disposal. The
new rules and equipment are mostly optional and
additive. In other words, you could play a Reign of
Discordia setting just fine without importing anything
new from this book, and the setting will still be money
well spent. Very few elements from the core Traveller
book have been taken away.
But despite the fact that I had some good ideas, this
was not to happen in 2004. In fact, it wasn’t until four
years later that I found Reality Deviant Publications,
which was a willing partner in such an undertaking. I
started writing once I got the green light, and it was like
a pressure valve was released. All of this cool space-
opera-style imagery took root in the setting, such as
If you’ve just picked this up but you weren’t around in
the ‘70s, don’t panic. Characters don’t run around in
silver jumpsuits spouting cheesy lines to the tune of
disco… unless you want them to. I’ve done what I can
to make this an interesting, compelling, action-packed
setting, so now it’s up to you. I hope you enjoy it!
Darrin Drader
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Life after the
stellar Imperium
Five years. ... It has been five years since the Imperium
transports delivering food and supplies stopped
coming to Yseth. What was once considered the most
successful colony world in the Frontier systems with
over a billion people was now little more than the
galactic ghetto. While the planet struggled to increase
the production of its agrofarms so that it might support
the population of the planet, starvation took its toll
on the people. Kabe looked back at his family’s small
house for the last time, as he boarded the freighter that
would bring him back to the core worlds. He might
have to take a job he disliked at first, but at least he
would be able to find food now. Hopefully…
In addition, the governments of the many systems did
not follow the expected trends towards capitalistic
democracies. In some cases the liberated worlds
adopted Democratic or Socialist governments so they
could take care of the needs of the people. However,
many of the local leaders who led their people
against the Stellar Imperium were not interested
in handing over their new-found power, instead
claiming these worlds for themselves, setting up
petty dictatorships.
As interstellar trade struggles to reach some sort of
sustainable equilibrium, many wonder what became
of the riches accumulated by the Stellar Imperium.
Gone are the enormous warships that once patrolled
the member worlds. Much of the military hardware that
was once commonplace has been destroyed and the
replacement equipment that has found its way to the
open market is rapidly produced and of inferior quality.
The Stellar Imperium has fallen. No sooner had the
triumphant cheers died down on hundreds of worlds
than the harsh realities of their desperate new situation
became clear. Their cold, lizard-like enemy, the R’Tillek,
may have played a significant role in the fall of the Stellar
Imperium, but the collapse did not stop thier campaign
of aggression against the former member-worlds.
Initially there was hope, as the leaders of the minor
rebellions assumed that some new and better form of
government would step in to fill the vacuum. At the very
least, they thought the various alien races would align
along species lines. They were wrong. Instead, the exact
opposite occurred as most worlds opted to embrace
their own local governments rather than take the chance
of having one imposed upon them again.
The former Imperium’s Core worlds now lie in ruins,
completely uninhabited because of the horrific
weapons the R’Tillek used against them. Scavengers
and adventurers now frequent these worlds, hoping
to find technology that will fetch a high price on the
market. Still others search the vast systems marked as
empty on all the star charts in hopes of finding partially
completed, mothballed, or salvageable ships at one of
the fabled secret shipyards of the Imperium. Such ships
would surely be built to the superior specifications
of the Stellar Imperium, and therefore be superior
to the currently produced models, both in terms of
performance and the price they would fetch from the
right buyers.
During the reign of the Stellar Imperium, technology
had been freely shared between the races. Most
races focused on manufacturing and developing the
technologies that most suited them. This resulted in
many key technological industries centering on the few
worlds that specialized in them. As a result, the prices
of many items skyrocketed as soon as the Imperium
fell, because the knowledge for producing them did
not exist on the many worlds where they were needed.
Now there are many who seek to obtain the schematics
and technical knowledge behind these proprietary
technologies from those who jealously guard them,
hoping to produce their own versions at a cut-rate, thus
reducing their dependence upon other worlds.
In this new era of decay, many have become frustrated
with the crumbling infrastructure of the settled worlds,
and have instead left for the Frontier Worlds. The
planets in this sector of space were newly discovered
during the final days of the Stellar Imperium and some
of them are home to small upstart colonies. Many
consider these worlds unspoiled places of opportunity,
where they can forge their own way and survive the
instability of the current age.
Welcome to the age known as The Reign of Discordia .
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