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520604889 UNPDF
DATE: MAY, 1951
Microphones and Acoustic Devices
SUBJECT: Model 55s Multi-Impedance
“Small Unidyne” Dynamic
PHONE Delaware 7-4550 :: CABLE: SHUREMlCRO
55s Multi-Impedance "Small Unidyne" Microphone
(Ultra-Cardioid, Unidirectional, Moving-Coil Dynamic)
General: The Model 55s is a small, compact Microphone in
which high-fidelity response end excellent directional pattern are
achieved. The Ultra-Cardioid unidirectional characteristic of the
microphone (obtained by the "Uniphase" principle*) provides
highly satisfactory operation under adverse acoustic conditions. It
permits placement of the microphone at a distance from the per-
former 75% greeter than is possible with non-directional (omni-
directional) microphones.
The new "Small Unidyne," Model 55s, embodies all of the
advantages found in the world-famous Shure Model 55 Unidyne.
Its improvements are notable. The Shure-patented acoustic phase-
shift network has been redesigned: the moving-coil system has been
revised for high efficiency and extended, smooth, frequency re-
sponse. Large air-gap clearances, together with a rugged coil
construction, provide immunity of the moving system to abnormal
atmospheric conditions and severe mechanical shock.
The care is modern in design, with attractive streamlining and grille
treatment. Model 55s is smaller than the Model 55, and is there-
fore ideal for installations where it is desired to keep the micro-
phone size to a minimum and still retain maximum operating
A new self-adjusting swivel permits tilting of the head through 80°
so that the microphone can be aimed at the source of sound. A
built-in cable connector is provided; and a 20 foot, high-quality,
two-conductor shielded cable with microphone plug attached is in-
Model A86A Cable type transformer permits coupling either a 30-
50 ohm line or 150-250 ohm line to high impedance input.
The low and medium impedance positions are recommended
where long cable lengths are required or under conditions of se-
vere hum disturbances. The permissible line length is practically
unlimited, since neither response nor level is appreciably affected
by reasonable lengths of line.
Applications: Model 55s is ideal for high-quality public ad-
dress, theatre-stage sound systems, and recording applications. Be-
cause of its unusual ruggedness and reliability, Model 55s micro-
phone is, also, recommended for fixed station use in the Police,
Fire, and Transportation services. For studio broadcasting and T.V.
use, end similar applications where the utmost in quality is desired,
Model 556s Broadcast Unidyne is recommended.
The true unidirectional characteristics of the Model 55s provides
en easy solution to the feedback problem in reverberant locations,
facilitates orchestral placement, permits best utilization of space in
smell broadcast studios, and provides practically complete exclu-
sion of unwanted noises.
The high impedance position on the Model 55s Microphone
may be used with any high gain microphone amplifier or other
amplifier with en input impedance of 100,000 ohms or more (See
Fig. A-3). For best high frequency response in high impedance
the total cable lengths should not exceed 25 feet: longer cable
lengths may be used with some loss of high frequency response.
The additional loss at 5000 cycles is of the order of 2.5 db for en
additional 25 ft. length of cable (50 ft. total) and 6 db for en ad-
ditional 50 ft. length (75 ft. total). If the Model 55s Microphone
is used in the high impedance position, single conductor shielded
cable may be used to provide additional cable lengths: also, the
two-conductor cable furnished with the Microphone may be re-
placed with single conductor shielded cable, if the microphone is
intended to operate directly into high impedance (grid) input
only. In this instance, the number one pin and the number two
pin of the cable plug must be shorted together and connected to
the shield of the cable..
Installation: All microphones have the standard 5/8"-27 thread
and may be mounted on any conventional desk, banquet, or floor
stand. Physical dimensions are shown in Fig. C. When long lines
are used, care should be taken that the cable does not parallel A.C.
power lines for long distances to avoid A.C. hum induction.
The shield, chassis or amplifier ground should be securely con-
nected to a water pipe or similar ground to prevent shock hazard
during operation of amplifying system.
When used with amplifiers using the grid leak type of bias at
the input tube, it may be desirable to use a .01 mfd. condenser
between the microphone and the input grid circuit.
Connections: The Model 55s Microphone is of the multi-im-
pedance type. Model 55s may be connected directly to a 30-50
ohm line, a 150-250 ohm line, or high impedance input. Selection
of these impedances is accomplished by changing the position of
the switch at the rear of the microphone. The switch positions are
marked "L" for low impedance (30-50 ohms), "M" for medium
impedance (150-250 ohms), and "H" for high impedance (35,000
Operation: The microphone should be placed in its operating
position before turning up the volume controls of the amplifier.
Jarring or excessive moving of the instrument should be avoided
white the system is in operation.
In the low and medium impedance positions, Model 55s may
be connected directly to a standard low or medium impedance in-
put amplifier (Fig. A-1), or into en amplifier with high impedance
input (Fig. A-2). In the latter case, Shure Model A86A Cable-
Type Transformer is available for coupling
to the amplifier input. The double winding primary of the Shure
the low impedance line
No special precautions beyond ordinary care are necessary in
the operation of the Model 55s Dynamic microphone. It will op-
erate efficiently end dependably under all ordinary conditions in
hot and cold climates. To retain the full strength of the highly
efficient permanent magnet and to maintain alignment of the struc-
ture, dropping or other severe mechanical shocks should be avoided.
*Patented by Shure Brothers Inc.
Copyright, 1951 Shure Brothers. Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.
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The result of this unidirectional characteristic is elimination of
acoustic feedback at volume levels which would cause considerable
feedback with conventional semidirectional or omnidirectional mi-
crophones. In practically all cases it is possible to increase loud-
speaker levels when a Unidyne is installed. By directing the dead
side (rear) of the microphone towards the audience or other
source of interfering sound, pickup can be concentrated on the de-
sired source. Reverberation energy pickup is decreased approxi-
mately two-thirds. The microphone can be placed close to reflect-
ing surfaces without objectional effects if the rear side of the mi-
crophone is toward the reflecting surface. This is particularly valu-
able in small broadcast studios. It is desirable to experiment with
microphone placement end orientation in order to secure the
greatest benefits from the unidirectional characteristic.
1000 C.P.S. Response:
Model 55s "L" Position
Open Circuit Voltage Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 87.9 db*
Loaded with 50 ohms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 92.4 db*
Power Level into 50 ohms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 59.4 db**
RTMA Microphone Rating GM (Sensitivity) . . . — 153.6 db***
Model 55s "M" Position
Open Circuit Voltage Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 81.0 db*
Loaded with 250 ohms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 86.1 db*
Power Level into 250 ohms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 60.1 db**
RTMA Microphone Rating GM (Sensitivity) . . . — 152.8 db***
Model 55s "H" Position
Open Circuit Voltage Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 60.5 db*
Loaded with 100,000 ohms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 62.3 db*
RTMA Microphone Rating GM (Sensitivity). . . — 157.0 db***
0 db = 1 Volt Per Microbar
(**) 0 db = 1 Milliwatt with 10 Microbars
(***) RTMA Standard SE-105, August 1949.
Recommended Load Impedance:
Model 55s "L" Position 30-50 ohms.
Model 55s "M" Position 150-250 ohms.
Model 55s "H" Position 100,000 ohms or more.
Code Word
Net Wt.
3 1/8 lb.
Shipping Weight
4 1/4 lb.
20 ft. Two-Conductor
Height, Overall
7 3/8"
Height, Case
3 15/16"
2 3/16"
3 1/16"
Satin Chrome
Acoustic Considerations: The front response-frequency
characteristic of the Model 55s is shown in Figure B. The smooth,
wide-range characteristic is excellent for high-quality reproduction
of music and speech.
“Ultra-Cardioid” describes the horizontal polar characteristic of
the Model 55s. This polar characteristic resembles a cardioid but
is slightly more directional. There is a wide, useful pickup angle
at the front of the microphone, while the response et the sides is
down 6 db from the front response. The rear response is down ap-
proximately 15 db. The Model 55s fulfills these requirements over
a broad range of frequencies. The true unidirectional character-
istic of the microphone should not be confused with the relatively
slight directional effect at high frequencies which can be produced
by baffle effects in the conventional pressure microphone.
*See Fig. C.
Guarantee: Each microphone is guaranteed to be free from
electrical and mechanical defects for a period of one year from
date of shipment from factory, provided all instructions are com-
plied with fully. In case of damage, return the microphone to the
factory for repairs. Our guarantee is voided if the microphone is
subjected to accident or abuse or if the case is opened.
Architect’s Specification
The microphone shell be a moving coil type microphone
with a frequency range of 50 to 15,000 c.p.s. This unit shall
have an “Ultra-Cardioid” horizontal polar characteristic. The
cancellation et the sides shall be approximately 6 db and
the cancellation at the rear shell be in the order of 15 db.
The microphone shall be equipped with a three-position im-
pedance change switch for adjusting the microphone rating
impedance to 38 ohms, 150 ohms or 40,000 ohms. The micro-
phone rating GM (sensitivity) at 1000 c.p.s. shell be within
± 3 db of the following levels:
"L" Position of switch 153.6 db
"M" Position of switch 152.8 db
"H" Position of switch — 157.0 db
RTMA Standard SE-105 August 1949
The microphone shall be provided with a swivel adjust-
able from 0° to 80° and it shell have a detachable cable
connector capable of connection to a two-conductor shield-
ed cable. The microphone will mount on stand having 5/8"-
27 thread. The overall dimensions shell be 7-3/8 ± 1/4 inches
in height, 2-3/16 ± 1/8 inches in width, and 3-1/16 ± 1/8 inches
in depth.
Fig. B.
Response-Frequency Characteristic Model 55s Microphone.
27A62. 5-51.
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