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                                 WATCHTOWER SCIENCE

                              December 12 1995 Edition

                                 Copyright (C) 1995


                                  Timothy Campbell

                     CP386, Mount Royal, Quebec, Canada H3P 3C6

                          Internet email:
              World Wide Web:

                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

      About the Author


      Like the Stars of the Heavens in Number
      Star Differs from Star
      The Statutes of the Heavens
      The Circle of the Earth

      The Design of Life
      Existing Features
      Fossil Evidence
      Adaption and Evolution
      Animals at Peace

    The Society's View of Science
      Definitions and Impressions
      The Fundamentals
      An Anti-Science Posture
      The Truth About Fraud
      How Science Works
      Denigrating Science
      Evolution Versus Creation
      A Matter of Attitude





    This booklet is distributed primarily in electronic form, formatted for
    printing on any printer.


    Although this booklet is copyrighted, the copyright holder hereby grants
    you permission to distribute copies as long as you do not add or remove any
    text.  If you believe there are important omissions, please contact one of
    the addresses given on the title page, so that your information can be
    considered for the next edition.

    About the Author

    The copyright holder (Timothy Campbell) is the editor of this booklet, not
    the author. The author has decided to remain anonymous, since some of his
    family are still Jehovah's Witnesses.


    This booklet sets out examples from Watchtower publications that illustrate
    the following claims...

    1)  The Watchtower Society takes a dim view of science when it points to
        conclusions different from the Society's interpretation of the Bible.

    2)  When science supports the truth of the Bible, the Society uses the
        information to show that the Bible is an inspired book.

    3)  When science does not support the Society's interpretation of Bible,
        the Society obscures or omits information that should be brought into

    4)  The Society's writings show a lack of understanding of certain
        scientific matters.


                      Like the Stars of the Heavens in Number

    The Society often makes use of Genesis 22:17 to prove the Bible's
    inspiration.  In this scripture God says to Abraham:

       I shall surely multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens
      and like the grains of sand that are on the seashore.

    A short article on page 25 of the April 8, 1988 Awake!, says concerning
    this scripture:

       The Bible is scientifically correct in comparing the number of stars in
       the heavens to the billions of grains of sand on the seashore. However,
       that stars number into the billions was apparently unknown in ancient
       times.... How, then, does one explain the Bible's remarkable accuracy in
       making this comparison? One explanation would be that the Bible is
       "inspired of God."

    This conclusion, that the Bible is saying that the number of stars in the
    heavens is on the order of the number of grains of sand on the seashore, is
    unwarranted.  First, the writer states no numbers to show the Bible is
    making a scientifically correct comparison.  How, then, can he claim it is
    accurate?  What is it accurate with respect to?

    A far more likely meaning of the comparison is simply that the number is
    large by everyday standards (which for the average person means any number
    larger than 100), and in particular, is uncountable by virtue of the
    difficulty of the counting.  An earlier scripture than Genesis 22:17
    shows that uncountability is the main idea.  Genesis 15:5 says:

       He now brought him outside and said:  "Look up, please, to the heavens
       and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them."  And he
       went on to say to him:  "So your seed will become."

    Also, Jeremiah 33:22 says:

       The army of the heavens cannot be counted, neither can the sand of the
       sea be measured.

    The actual number of each is easy enough to estimate. Astronomers
    conservatively estimate there are about one hundred billion stars in our
    galaxy, and probably about one hundred billion galaxies comparable to our
    own in the observable universe, for a total of


    stars. Note that this could easily be far too low, as the estimate only
    takes into account what astronomers can actually see or reasonably estimate
    is out there, and there is nothing to indicate how large the universe
    actually is.

    To estimate the number of grains of sand in the sea, let's make a few
    assumptions.  First assume that the sand is at the sea coasts, and the sea
    coasts cover one percent of the earth's surface.  Then assume that the sand
    covers that surface to a depth of ten meters, and every sand grain has a
    volume of one cubic millimeter.  We simply use the formula for the volume
    of a sphere, V = 4/3 PI R^3.

    The mean radius of the earth is 3982 miles, or 6,408,421 meters.  Let this
    radius in meters be R.  The volume of a spherical shell 10 meters thick at
    the radius of the earth is V = 4/3 PI [R^3 - (R - 10)^3], which works out
    to be about 10e15 (1,000,000,000,000,000) cubic meters.  There are 10e9
    cubic millimeters in one cubic meter.  Multiply that by the volume we just
    found and take one percent; we get about 10e22, the same as we got for the
    number of stars:


    So, making reasonable assumptions, we find the number of stars may indeed
    be comparable to the number of grains of sand in the sea!  This seems to
    be a remarkable accomplishment.

    Note, however, the following quote from Revelation 20:7,8:

       Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let
       loose out of his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in
       the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together
       for the war.  The number of these is as the sand of the sea.

    By any reasonable estimate, the number of people misled would not be over
    about ten billion.  Comparing this to the numbers derived above, we find
    that they differ by a factor of one trillion.

    Therefore, if you insist that the Bible is being literal when it uses the
    sand of the sea to represent any number of people on the earth, you must
    admit that the Bible is in error by a factor of at least a trillion.

    If you don't want to admit that, then you must admit that the Bible is
    using poetic license when it compares a quantity to the sand of the sea or
    to the stars of the heavens.

    Under these circumstances, it is hard to justify using Genesis 22:17 as an
    indication that the Bible is "inspired of God."  Genesis 13:16 again
    confirms this use of poetic license in God's words to Abraham: "if a man
    could be able to count the dust particles of the earth, then your seed
    could be numbered."

    Poetic license does not constitute scientific proof, even if it sometimes
    produces an interesting correlation between our rough estimates and
    selected verses in the Bible.

                               Star Differs from Star

    The September 22, 1984 Awake! article "Telescopes and Microscopes -- Have
    Their Revelations Undermined or Strengthened Your Faith?" claims that the
    Bible is shown to be inspired by the statement of 1 Corinthians 15:41,
    where the apostle Paul says:

       The glory of the sun is one sort, and the glory of the moon is another,
       and the glory of the stars is another; in fact, star differs from star
       in glory.

    Under the subheading "Star Differs From Star" the article quotes this
    scripture, and then asserts that it shows the apostle Paul must have be...
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