Doctor Who - Adventures In Time And Space 2 - Gamemaster's Guide.pdf

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The GamemasTer’s Guide - CONTeNTs
ChapTer ONe: NexT sTOp, everywhere!
The Basics
Boys and their toys
How to Use this Book
ChapTer TwO: The sTuff Of LeGeNd
Creating a Character
ChapTer fOur: a BiG BaLL Of
Timey-wimey sTuff
Time travel
Time Spurs
The Blinovitch
Limitation Effect
Story Points
Technology Levels
Changing Time
Ripples and
Nexus Points 78
Gamemastering Time Travel 81
The Time Lord 82
Gallifreyan Physiology 82
It’s Bigger on the Inside 84
TARDIS Systems and Abilities 88
ChapTer Three: The LONG Game
The basic rule 34
How a roll works 36
Difficulty 36
How well have you done? 36
Story point success ladder 38
Conflict: Contested Rolls 39
Extended Conflict 40
Losing a Conflict 44
Levels of injury 47
Combat 48
Other Sources of Injury 49
Losing a Mental Conflict 51
Getting scared 51
Being Possessed 52
Losing a Social Conflict 52
Healing 53
Dying or Leaving the TARDIS 54
Chases 55
Story Points 58
Growing from the Experience 63
ChapTer five: aLL The sTraNGe, sTraNGe
Autons (the Nestenes) 94
Carrionites 96
Catkind 97
Clockwork Droids 98
Cybermen 98
Daleks 100
Judoon 102
Krillitane 103
Ood 104
Roboforms 105
Slitheen 106
Sontarans 107
Sycorax 108
Toclafane 109
Aliens as Player Characters 109
Alien Traits
ChapTer seveN: The ONCOmiNG sTOrm
The Story
The Conflict
The Antagonist
The Setting
The Adventure
Story Points
Constructing a
Campaign Story Arc
Personal Story Arcs
ChapTer six: yOu are NOT aLONe
What Does a Gamemaster Do? 118
Basic Gamemastering
Hints and Tips
Storytelling – Keeping the Story
Flowing 122
Technoscience 123
Bringing the Universe to Life 124
Experience and Gain
Portraits © BBC
Doctor Who is a trademark of the BBC
Cover design: Lee Binding @
The GamemasTer’s Guide
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doCtor Who: Adventures in time And spACe
Writer & Game Designer: David F. Chapman
Additional Writers: Andrew Peregrine, Jacqueline Rayner, Nathaniel Torson
[The Heart of the TARDIS - Robin Farndon, Derek Johnston, Charles Meigh]
Line Developer: David F. Chapman
Graphic Design: Lee Binding
Additional Design: Debra Chapman, Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Layout: Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Editor: Dominic McDowall-Thomas
Proofing: Angus Abranson, David F. Chapman, Andrew Peregrine
Playtest Coordinator: Roger Calver
Playtesters: Thanks to everyone who took part in the playtest – too many names to
print, but your help was invaluable. Thanks especially to Marc Farrimond, Derek Smyk,
Lee Torres’ Group, Steve Race, Jason Vey, Jason Libby, Shag Matthews and The Unique
Geeks, Steve Pitson, Martin Wakefield, Al Livingstone, Christopher Manwaring, Neil, RPG
Pundit, David (aka Grey), Stuart Renton and Steve Pitson’s group - No Guts, No Glory.
Dedication: In memory of Amy Dobson, who would have been the first person to text me
after each new episode.
Special thanks to the Cubicle 7 pitch team (Angus Abranson, Chris Birch, David F
Chapman, Fred Hicks and Dominic McDowall-Thomas) and the BBC Team (Richard Hollis,
Gary Russell, Edward Russell, Nick Stratton, David Turbitt and Kate Walsh).
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space is published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
(UK reg. no. 6036414). Find out more about us and our games at
© Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. 2009
BBC, Doctor Who (word marks, logos and devices), TARDIS, DALEKS, CYBERMAN and
K-9 (word marks and devices) are trade marks of the British Broadcasting Corporation
and are used under licence. BBC logo © BBC 1996.
Doctor Who logo © BBC 2004.
TARDIS image © BBC 1963.
Dalek image © BBC/Terry Nation 1963
Cyberman image © BBC/Kit Pedlar/Gerry Davis 1966
K-9 image © BBC/Bob Baker/Dave Martin 1977
Printed in China.
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DOCtOr whO: aDveNtureS iN time aND SpaCe
Chapter ONe: Next StOp, everywhere!
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DOCtOr whO: aDveNtureS iN time aND SpaCe
Before we get too carried away with this larger
book, first ask yourself, ‘What is my role in the
This book is aimed at the Gamemaster. This
is the person who acts as storyteller - starting
the story by deciding the plot for the adventure,
setting the scene by describing to the other
players what is going on and interpreting the
outcomes of the players’actions. They also have
the final decision on how the rules of the game
are applied.
Chapter Six - You Are Not Alone contains lots of
advice on being the Gamemaster.
If you’re going to play a character, and are
not planning on running the game as
the Gamemaster, you don’t need to
read this book (the Player’s Guide
explains these terms). There
is nothing here that will
spoil the game for you if you
do read it, it just contains
additional information you
don’t need to know (but don’t
read the Adventures Book
that would spoil the introductory
adventure for you).
Chapters two and three of the Gamemaster’s
Guide and the Player’s Guide are similar, so
don’t worry if you think you’ve read bits before.
They cover the creation of characters and the
actual rules of the game, so we thought it would
be best if both the players and the Gamemaster
could access the information at the same
time. The Gamemaster’s Guide does cover the
information in a little more detail, and provides
some extra options for more advanced games.
The rules chapter, Chapter Three: The Long
Game , goes into more detail and offers additional
advice for the Gamemaster to make running the
game a fun and smooth experience.
So, that said, let’s get on with the action!
the BaSiCS
The example of a game in the Player’s Guide
introduces just about everything you’ll need to
know in Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and
Space . Any time a character does something
they may or may not succeed at, the player needs
to roll some dice. You, as the Gamemaster, will
determine how difficult these tasks are, or what
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DOCtOr whO: aDveNtureS iN time aND SpaCe
fantasy tabletop wargames.
Besides dice, you need something to keep
track of Story Points. Again, we’ve thought of
everything and provided some handy counters
for you to keep track of the fast and furious
exchanges of Story Points that’ll occur during
the average game. If you need more, you can
photocopy the counter sheet or use poker chips,
markers, tiddlywinks or even jellybabies. These
Story Points could save your character’s life
at some point, so it’s vital to keep track of how
many you have. We’ll explain Story Points in
Chapter Three: The Long Game .
hOw tO uSe thiS BOOk
the Villains try to do to stop them.
If they beat the number they succeed and can
perform the task, whether it’s jumping a gap,
winning an argument or dodging a gun blast.
If they don’t beat the number, the characters
have failed to accomplish the task. This could
have severe effects and change the course
of the game, but it makes for an interesting
story. Either way, rolling dice and adding some
numbers is as complex as it gets when it comes
to rules. So you’re going to need some dice.
You’ll have no doubt seen the small cubes with
dots or numbers on them that you have in copies
of Monopoly, Risk or Ludo. Anyway, those cubes
are six-sided dice (cause they have six sides).
People who game a lot with other roleplaying
games call them D6s, so they don’t get confused
with other dice with different numbers of sides
on them. You should find a handful of dice in this
set, though if you need more you can pick up
dice in many different colours and styles from
hobby game stores, some department stores and
bookstores, and places where they sell those
This is the second book in the Doctor Who:
Adventures in Time and Space box. You were
probably directed to the Player’s Guide initially,
thanks to the ‘Read This First’ sheet. You’ll
already have noticed that we’ve presented you
with a lot of information! To make it a little
easier, here is what you need to look for.
The Player’s Guide provides the players with
all the information they’ll need to
play the game and create new
characters, as well as some
guidance to help make playing
the game the best experience
This book, the Gamemaster’s
Guide , is similar to the
Player’s Guide , though it
skips some of the walk-
through examples and basic
descriptions and goes into a
little more detail where you
need it. This information is
vital to the Gamemaster,
and rather than have
to keep passing one
book between all of
the players, the
Gamemaster can
keep hold of this
one. It also provides
the Gamemaster
with information
on Time Travel
(Chapter Four),
Aliens (Chapter
Five), how
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